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  1. DNM101


    @ Grumpy Old Dreamer, tried that one m8, genetics where absolute shyte!!!
  2. DNM101


    also where in england can i get that foxfarm ocan forrest soil and all the foxfarm nutes and that anyone know?
  3. DNM101


    lol thanks for the suggestion, but i dont ever recall seeing a wal mart in england lol but is that what you think i should do get a pre paid visa, i might just do that
  4. DNM101


    hey peeps, i was just wondering what would be the bset way to order seeds from nirvana? is there anyone in england that buys their beans from them? and also how to pay should i just use my debit card nd get them sent to my house or do you think that is to risky, but i dont really have a choice...
  5. DNM101

    1st grow attempt

    that seedling in the picture had to be transplanted because its tap root was along the bottom of the container it was like 2-3 days old do you think it wil die?
  6. DNM101 ROCKS on Price and Quality

    yes oone of my silver haze seeds have sprouted yipeeee lol
  7. DNM101

    1st grow attempt

    but wait one of them has sprouted (yay) lol sorry for the crappy image quality
  8. DNM101

    1st grow attempt

    i dont suppoze anyones got any bagseed they could give me because it looks like my seeds are a pile of shit, havant evan germinated yet, for fucks sake
  9. DNM101 ROCKS on Price and Quality

    fuck you, you little prick some of us can not afford to buy 5 fucking seeds for £40, and oh la de daa my motherfucking 1200 W dual cab grow pffft i hope your overkill light explodes in your face killing you and your...
  10. DNM101

    Welcome New Members!

    i dont see why that wont work m8, it will be evan better if its one of the shiny silver ones
  11. DNM101 ROCKS on Price and Quality

    ok but the URL is ( so it dosent come up, but i tell you what does come up when you type "cannabis seeds" that into google (ATTITUDE) but i am not trying to big up the site at all, i am in the same boat as the rest of the people that have boght from there, i paid for my...
  12. DNM101 ROCKS on Price and Quality

    not really i dont know if they are any good like i said in the review they will be good if they grow into the right strain and grow some decent bud then they will be good, i've also read that when they do grow buds they are quite small, but they do get you blazed, and somthing about maybe...
  13. DNM101

    1st grow attempt

    yeah i know m8, just havent got the money to buy them at the mo sooooo ya know lol thanks tho
  14. DNM101

    Welcome New Members!

    hey stankey dude, welcome man i only signed up 2day lol or was it yesterday hmm side effects lmffao
  15. DNM101

    1st grow attempt

    was gonna add some pics of my little set up and stuff but webcam crashes comp when i plug it in lol and my mobile has stopped working lmffao sooooo ya know lol
  16. DNM101 ROCKS on Price and Quality

    perhaps you could enlighten us as to which strain these are?, and why was the bub crappy? IE did it not get you stoned?
  17. DNM101 ROCKS on Price and Quality

    yeah they looked ok, but still nothing, and i dont see any reason why your plants wont grow some stingo they look like nice healthy plants to me ;-)
  18. DNM101

    Welcome New Members!

    they will be grown in soil but they havant geminated yet
  19. DNM101

    1st grow attempt

    wickid lol that makes it that little bit cooler!!! oh and thanks for the help
  20. DNM101

    1st grow attempt

    ok then thanks, but i thuoght that temps that high would acclerate germination?, and by soak the seeds do you just mean drop them in some water? your avatar is cool as fook by the way