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  1. D

    Life expectancy of pollen?

    Having the ability to isolate my males, I saved one to collect pollen from. when first couple of pollen balls had burst, I pulled male, placed it in the fold of a piece of parchment paper, and placed plant in a sunlit widow to dry and release pollen. Once male was completely dry, opened...
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    YAY!!!! First attempt at cloning successful!!!

    Hi everyone. Well I tried my hand at cloning, and I wanted to pass on some of my observations. First and foremost, I had read conflicting posts regarding humidity domes. On the one hand you have those who like them and view them as vital to healthy clones. On the other hand, there are those who...
  3. D

    Newbie grow! Advice please!!

    As an outdoor grower I advise that you start your plants on no more than 12-14 hours indoors. Otherwise when you put them out they will first try to go into flower, then they will return to veg. In the process you will lose about two weeks of grow time while they are confused by the different...
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    When Will USA Fall?

    You reminded me of one of my favorite quotes of Thomas Jefferson. " Government should be kept as small as possible, while remaining obliged to protect the weak from the powerful." What those who remain steadfast in their support of unbridled greed have forgotten is that historically if the...
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    When Will USA Fall?

    Oh, you forgot to add in your poll a selection reading fuck the republicans ( who caused this disaster ) for trying to pin it on anyone but themselves.
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    When Will USA Fall?

    You really need to quit sucking Glenn Becks dick. we can pull our economy out of the meat grinder, by quite simply making greed illegal. If the ultra wealthy are taken down, and their ill gotten wealth is used to pay down our debt America will be just fine. Give up the Limbaugh/ Republican...
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    Explain mature vs immature plants for me ?

    By Colorado statutes mature is defined as flowered and ready to process into a usable form of marijuana, immature is defined as not having flowers.
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    peyote laws

    Having been married to a Navajo woman, I can tell you that the best way to get shot is to go out looking for peyote. Many Native Americans use peyote in their ceremonies, but they have the knowledge and decency to cut the button off, and leave root in the ground. Not long ago, peyote was on the...
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    Why Legalization should be Stopped! (wait, hear me out!)

    The obvious problem with your economic model is illustrated best by Amsterdam, where fine killer high quality marijuana sells for roughly $15 American for 30 grams. I guess this is because those dedicated to producing quality, aren't overly concerned with huge profits.
  10. D

    Bleach and Robitussin Fed Plants

    if they survive you could call it "Cough Medicine" LOL.
  11. D

    Need quick answer!!

    You can use even the treated ones if you soak overnight in water and then give them a good rinse. You'll know when you open packet as the treatment is usually bright pink.
  12. D

    Help buying seeds online

    I am growing Carmelicious from seeds purchased from the Amsterdam seed bank. They are supposed to grow only about 2.5 feet tall and produce 19 oz. per plant. I'm closing in on time to start flowering and I'll post my results as they happen. Oh, Carmeicious is a 80-20 indica sativa cross.
  13. D

    marijuana mad science (grafting marijuana to other plants)

    Cannabis is closely related to the hop plants which are used to make beer. Back in the 70's there were purported attempts to graft cannabis to hops to create a new plant which would be legal as it would lack being named in the controlled substances schedules. Never did hear if anyone got it to...
  14. D

    soil meter ph cheap vs not so cheap? what you experience with these meters?

    Did you read meter instructions? Some meters are designed for use out doors, and only read properly if you insert them in soupy mud. Otherwise, I think the cheap ones are as good as expensive, provided you buy one designed for potted plants. I have found that the degree of moisture seems to have...
  15. D

    does NOT smell like bud

    I've read that that can happen with some strains, and not to worry about it as smell will change with curing.
  16. D

    I'm in perpetual fungus gnat hell...nothing is working.

    Also, with your vinegar trap, you need to stretch some plastic wrap over the top and poke a hole in the middle about 2-3 times the size of the gnats. Little fuckers get inside and drown bouncing around looking for the way out.
  17. D

    Preffered Method of Smoking [PMS]

    How about this old backpackers trick. I've always carried a cast iron pan because they are easier to clean, but also, you heat that puppy up until almost glowing, take into your tent and toss a gram or two into the hot pan, and it's onward through the fog.
  18. D

    It really makes me feel stupid asking this question.

    OK thanks I did know what they looked like, just thought that was just the plants sex. DUH
  19. D

    It really makes me feel stupid asking this question.

    I've been growing outdoors for almost 20 years, so I am very familiar with sexing plants and all, but not sure I have ever seen ( at least not well enough that I could identify accurately) what a preflower is. I'm doing my first indoor grow and I'm thinking my plants are ready for me to start...
  20. D

    When to start budding.

    height is no issue, my grow room has 12' ceiling. I only wish I could grow that big LOL.