cool...How do u mix it, how much,i wanna learn how to make tea's with it........right now i use BMO's product.and i mix up 5 gallon's @ a time.i want everybody's advice on how to use it:shock:
hey guys.
i hope aleast 1oz per plant on 2 of them.......I had a little nute problem.....when i swicthed into flower they went south it seems....i wasnt getting enough P i just didnt want to burn them !!!next time around will be better!!!I got the sunleaves Bat Guano's coming and some worm...
Dude start looking @ the tricomes @ about 7~8 weeks they start out being clearthen Cloudy and then amber.i do mine when mostly cloudy with some amber.just yer choice...........but about 7~8 weeks:clap::clap:
hey someguy..if you need help.people will help..i have learned so much off here its not funny.......just be patient.......i would be happy to direct you in the right direction...........just ask!!:clap::clap:
bump.bump:clap::clap:come on lets get this thread going........
lets learn about Bat Guano's.i wanna know everything about it !!!:clap::clap::clap::clap:
yes it will work.......But it's a big waste of fucking takes about 3 ,4 weeks for it to do it's thing..........fuck i could grow a plant foot tall before yours reverts back..........
waste of time dude!!!!!!
all that chemical shit is overpriced........I use organic BMO .....And get just as good if not better than yer chemical crap!!!!
keep it organic :clap::clap:
Dont need to do all that bullshit of puting dome over them poking holes in shit........
Clones R the easiest thing to do .........
If You Follow My Advice............
Take clones...split the stems bout 1/2 in ....put in some Super plant tonic. for 15 min or so...then put clones in cloner give...