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  1. nattyhead357

    DIY Gravity Bong..

    good modification! I love DIY things
  2. nattyhead357

    Extremely new grower...

    Terrible news. I have 2 confirmed females (Tweedle-Dee and BB) and 3 suspect males... I think I noticed some ball growth :( We shall see tomorrow if in fact the become balls
  3. nattyhead357

    Mystery seed, first grow, CFL read up on it
  4. nattyhead357

    Mystery seed, first grow, CFL

    Baja. Plants thrive in a CO2 rich environment with higher temps. Try making a Co2 gen. and then your temps should be fine.
  5. nattyhead357

    My First Legal Medical Grow

    Are you growing inside or outside??
  6. nattyhead357

    NattyHead357's Pineapple Express SOG. Pics, Vids. Comments are allowed.

    hmmm... what about tangerine x cannabis? will you get tangerine tasting weed or weed tasting tangerines?
  7. nattyhead357

    My First Legal Medical Grow

    nice video man. subbed. I didn't even know you were doin a grow
  8. nattyhead357

    My First Legal Medical Grow

    damn macro! thats tight
  9. nattyhead357

    Extremely new grower...

    nothing this morning either... SHIT!
  10. nattyhead357

    NattyHead357's Pineapple Express SOG. Pics, Vids. Comments are allowed.

    but it really does. would it change the make up of the indica though?
  11. nattyhead357

    NattyHead357's Pineapple Express SOG. Pics, Vids. Comments are allowed.

    i have never thought of grafting an indica with a sativa... That makes alot of sense
  12. nattyhead357

    3 Word Story

    and peanut butter
  13. nattyhead357

    3 Word Story

    big hairy rocks!!
  14. nattyhead357

    3 Word Story

    thats 4 words
  15. nattyhead357

    Mystery seed, first grow, CFL

    im not drivin to cali to send you seeds. lol I'll just pack them up and ship them. stealth of course
  16. nattyhead357

    Mystery seed, first grow, CFL

    see generosity is the way of life. What goes around comes around.
  17. nattyhead357

    Mystery seed, first grow, CFL

    normally an inspection takes 2-3 weeks and apparently they only spent 7-8 hours on this inspection... Fuck them. fuck BP. I hope they go out of business. ( i Have been boycotting them since I heard abotu it and confirmed that it was there fault and could have been prevented
  18. nattyhead357

    Mystery seed, first grow, CFL

    This is from a chinese news site. This shows you that the Government or BP isn't allowing the real pictures to leak to the US people. its a media blackout really.
  19. nattyhead357

    Mystery seed, first grow, CFL

    but for real, fuck BP