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  1. Monty2900

    Yellowing of middle fan leaves and tips of top leaves looking burnt???

    Ladies are lookin sexy again thanks guys! Now for all those sativa hybrid growers, How big are these babies gonna get under 600 hps for 13 weeks?? they are around 16" right now and i am limited to 1.8 meters, should a start flowering immediately? or let them grow a little more? I've only...
  2. Monty2900

    Light of Jah

    How big does light of jah grow during 13 weeks of flowering? I have a 1.8 meter hight restriction and my plants are at around 16" should i be flowering???
  3. Monty2900

    Yellowing of middle fan leaves and tips of top leaves looking burnt???

    cheers guys not using ferts yet , however i did top up the soil without watering through 1st so i think its just a bit of burn from that, they seem to be outgrowing it by themselves. Ill drop the PH and let you guys know, thanks again
  4. Monty2900

    Yellowing of middle fan leaves and tips of top leaves looking burnt???

    Damsels in! Okay so Plants are around 7 weeks old and were transferred from 250w CFL to 600w HPS just over a week ago, All started of great and they were loving the new light! so i left the house for 2 days with the lights and fan on 18/6, The average temp has been 75f - 85f and...
  5. Monty2900

    Aeroponics first time user!

    I have just germinated some light of jah seeds using an aeroponic propagator, germination was rapid and shoots formed within 2 days, But these shoots are very long and gangly(2-3 inches??) as opposed to most i have grown which have produced first true leaves at between 1- 1 1/2 inches. I am...
  6. Monty2900

    Sad Plant!

    Nice one Guy's HPS on the way! She shall live!
  7. Monty2900

    Sad Plant!

    I have just been out of the country for 6 months and i left a northern lights growing with a friend, its under CFl's but My flowering bulb has been smashed and this person continued to force flowering with a "cool white bulb" Flowering has started but plant is very soft and limp like, i have...