I'm new to the community as well. Have browsed a lot and have adopted a ton of ideas into my first growBut.
It's a sorry state of affairs when your little babies shiver when you come into the room because you are going to try another "suggestion" or experiment. LOL
But they seem to be hardy...
thanks Stoner
I'm on the road right now, so it will be a bit before I can post some pics--Friday night or Saturday--of my little baby. I am getting some very nice growth off the pruned sites.
This does bring up another question. How long should one LST? If the goal is to have a number of...
To complete the air circulation, wouldn't it be best to have the new air coming in from the bottom, so it works its way up to your fan?
It might also bleed off the heat that your hps is throwing.
thanks for the input...
nickfury--I'm just trimming the fan leaves on the main stem as the main stem snakes its way around the circle. It seems to stimulate growth of the new shoots that are rising to the light. I will, of course, leave the fan leaves that develop on the new growth.
Done tons of reading and thanks to all of you for writing about your wins and loses.
However, I haven't come across any info on pruning fan leaves while LST'ing the plant.
My theory at this point is to prune the fan leaves so that the producing stems are encouraged to grow and get...