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  1. KushCanuck

    Irish man's first grow.

    ... that camera looks pretty damn good to me ... KC :weed:
  2. KushCanuck

    Personal DWC Medical Grow - 600's, Perpetual - Multi-Strain

    Stick with the FloraNector straight Dribs. Works best in the flush scenario when there is little else or nothing in the mixture alongside. Your formula sounds bang on to me above. Keep it up, KC :weed:
  3. KushCanuck

    CFL Stealth Dresser & Ordered Seeds! First grow w/ pics

    Alright ... went back and checked. Wow, a day ahead of you my friend. Hope that job is awesome, I couldn`t go with gardening or smoking, no way, haha. You`re going to want to finish them as quick as you can at this point, IMO. I wouldn`t want someone else making the executive decisions for my...
  4. KushCanuck

    Highlanders Perpetual. BB,Ice,Void,Qleaner and Some of Chimeras' Strains!

    Is that the natural cola-structure for those stalk Cali`s or did you prune for that effect? That is a mean looking strain mate, going in ASAP !! KC :weed:
  5. KushCanuck

    CFL Stealth Dresser & Ordered Seeds! First grow w/ pics

    I`d give it another week Ados, let it grow another 4inches or so (next node set), and pinch the head then. Should branch out really nice by the looks of it. Great job mate, KC :weed:
  6. KushCanuck

    Better Grow - Super Silver Haze Round 2

    Not bad Caddy, 2 to work with will be just fine now that you have your training down. And Stone is here as well ... this will be a good run for you :D KC :weed:
  7. KushCanuck

    Stoneslacker's new 250w micro hempy scrog Blueberry, Blackjack and Permafrost

    Nice Stone, that is a diverse bean-run there. Love it, KC :weed:
  8. KushCanuck

    Highlanders Perpetual. BB,Ice,Void,Qleaner and Some of Chimeras' Strains!

    HC brother, Bass has reminded me to ask ... what`s involved in the C4 and BSB again? Could also do for a bit of clarification on the CaliBand as well. Want to be popping these before too long, have some ideas ... :D KC :weed:
  9. KushCanuck

    Aev's Gone Mad

    Love everything I`ve read thus far Aev, have to go back and do start to finish, but damn you got your shit dialed in mate. Great work and nice genetics. I`ll be following along, KC :weed:
  10. KushCanuck

    Highlanders Perpetual. BB,Ice,Void,Qleaner and Some of Chimeras' Strains!

    Absolutely love that Sativa-esque stack that beauty has going on Aev, and like Bass said, more trim friendly. Beautiful... :mrgreen: KC :weed:
  11. KushCanuck

    Stoneslacker's new 250w micro hempy scrog Blueberry, Blackjack and Permafrost

    Give that Maz x GWS a chance Stone, I`ve had some pretty wierd looking GWS sprouts come up similar to that and turned out just fine. Was a slower vegger in soil, but loves hydro I`ve seen. Running a new journal for that run? This one was certainly reference for many, including myself, if ever to...
  12. KushCanuck

    16 day seedlings... nutrients??

    I run pretty much the same routine for drying and curing nowadays with very little or no issues. I dry in a tent in on a hanging rack now with the bottom layer lined with parchment paper (catches pieces for hash-making), circulating fans above and below (never directly blowing on) our rack. Also...
  13. KushCanuck

    KuckCanucks Cataract Kush Grow, 3 Plant Organic

    Thanks for stopping in Bilbo, good question. Loads of Sativa dominant stuff (as well as hybrids) shows the single, spiral colas you tend to see, whereas the more Indica-based cuts tend to be `fighters` I like to say. Meaning each individual branch would fight to be biggest, prime examples are...
  14. KushCanuck

    Emerald triangle Blueberry headband and RP skywalker kush

    You only hope Tw1st3d, you only hope :). Once you have their feeding program dialed in that is pretty much the case, low maintenance gardening. Keep it up mate, KC :weed:
  15. KushCanuck

    KuckCanucks Cataract Kush Grow, 3 Plant Organic

    Here`s today`s daily shots, had to focus on the girl of conversation today, Mohican. Here`s how she`s forming up, From the top. Can still barely see the N burned, CaMg deficient leaves on the few under leaves, but the new growth couldn`t be happier now that we have a mix she likes :mrgreen...
  16. KushCanuck

    KuckCanucks Cataract Kush Grow, 3 Plant Organic

    Haha, thank you Yankee! Was hoping the thread would stay active, means people might be gaining something from it :). Andif you`re not gaining knowledge from each grow, you`re doing something wrong ... always something new to try/test/experiment with. Thanks for poppin` in buddy, KC :weed:
  17. KushCanuck

    Mainline with WWxBB

    You`re ready to flower within the week if you wanted Yankee, they really have come along since the last top and train. You`re in for some action with those pups as soon as you hit the switch :D. Great work mate, KC :weed:
  18. KushCanuck

    Emerald triangle Blueberry headband and RP skywalker kush

    Pic one shows your early-onsite CaMg deficiency mate, if you`ve upped your dosage, you`ll see that flatten out. Had a hunch that was CaMg related initially ... Looking good otherwise, you`ve taken good measures now :D KC :weed:
  19. KushCanuck

    300w LED + Alien Blackberry grow

    :clap: ... Damn nice work KAW, 12oz is fantiastic for those ladies!! Should keep you in the smoke for a bit, haha. We`ll get in touch in a bit, got some Cindy99 that might fit your bill a bit better than the short variety you didn`t favor. Again, nice work dude, and congrats on a nice harvest...
  20. KushCanuck

    16 day seedlings... nutrients??

    Can`t wait Cloudz, take some shots of the chop for us!! :D KC :weed: