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  1. V

    4 weeks olds, yellow leafs, brown spots, tried manythings.

    Well I think the problem got fixed. Since I added Epsom salt the yellowing became a lot less prominent and the plants started to grow a LOT faster, but now some of the leaves are developing dark brown spots and the tips are dry and curling upwards. I think I was not watering them enough before...
  2. V

    4 weeks olds, yellow leafs, brown spots, tried manythings.

    I already used a 20/20/20 fert 2 times on these pots. Also used Epsom salt. So I do believe it is a PH issue. Also if I would be to transplant can I just stick these organic pots in the larger pot or should I remove the plants and replant? The reason why I bought these pots it to avoid the...
  3. V

    4 weeks olds, yellow leafs, brown spots, tried manythings.

    Thanks a lot! Will try this, but when you say to check the runoff that means I really have to water then a lot, cause usually when I water them there is no water coming at the bottom, perhaps that means that I am under-watering them? What I did is initially I used the Jiffy pallets and once I...
  4. V

    4 weeks olds, yellow leafs, brown spots, tried manythings.

    thank you for the reply! I got one of those testers with a gauge that you stick in to the pot at the root level :shock:
  5. V

    4 weeks olds, yellow leafs, brown spots, tried manythings.

    Hello gang! First post here, long time lurker first time poster. Started my firs couple of plant 4 weeks ago and everything went well right until 2 weeks ago. Plants started to have yellowing lower leafs, stagnated growth, and brown spots. I suspected an MG deficiency so diluted 1/4 tea spoon of...