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  1. D

    Busted at concert in Ontario

    Under regular circumstances id agree with you, but this was a 3 day event in a park in the middle of butt-fuck nowhere, featuring rave and techno music. Guess im pretty dense not to see that one coming.
  2. D

    Busted at concert in Ontario

    100x better if u ask me, money comes and goes but that criminal records gonna haunt forever. Hope its just the fine though, thanks.
  3. D

    Busted at concert in Ontario

    This was at WEMF in Algonquin park. For those of you who arent familiar WEMF is World Electronic Music Festival; 3 day rave. Was really surprised they cared at all, there was a line-up a mile long of people who had much, much, much harder and more dangerous drugs than weed. I wasnt going to...
  4. D

    Busted at concert in Ontario

    Hey guys, so i know this case may not be as serious as many on here (feel for all of you btw) but this is my first offense and im really shook about it. I went to a concert with some friends on the weekend and the security did a very thorough search of the car to reveal 2ozs of mid-grade, a pipe...