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  1. John.len

    Need help diagnosing

    These are the flowering nutrients im using: The ph of my water floats around 6-7
  2. John.len

    Need help diagnosing

    Perfect, thanks i reallly appreciate the advice! Should i cut where the leaf starts, or the wholr stem itd attached too?
  3. John.len

    Need help diagnosing

    Ahhh ok thanks bro i appreciate the help. Also, according to the seeds packaging it said 8 weeks total. Im on week six now do you think itk be ready in two weeks? Personally i dont
  4. John.len

    Need help diagnosing

  5. John.len

    Need help diagnosing

    Hey so ive noticed that the new growth at the budsites have been turning yellow and brown. Can anyone help me figure out whats wrong and a solution? Its at the six week mark. Its a white widow auto .
  6. John.len

    Need opinions

    That's what i was thinking too. Thanks!
  7. John.len

    Need opinions

    250w hps in a 3x3x6 grow tent. Planning to upgrade to a mh hps combo when the funds are available.
  8. John.len

    Need opinions

    Not sure about that, have a sweet tooth auto thats been getting the same amount of light and is nice compact and bushy. I was reading sone reviews from the place i had bought seeds and ppl were saying some ended up stretched out like that
  9. John.len

    Need opinions

    Thanks alot. Wasn't sure of it was supposed to be long and stretched like that
  10. John.len

    Need opinions

  11. John.len

    Need opinions

  12. John.len

    Need opinions

    So i just wanted to show you guys my white widow auto, it'll be at week five tomorrow. Any thoughts/advice/tips would be greatly appreciated.
  13. John.len

    Need help identifying the problem

    Is it normal for tge leaves to curl downwaeds though? And as far as color, you think it looks healthy?
  14. John.len

    Need help identifying the problem

    Ive noticed the last two days my plant has looked like this(see pic). It was like that before i watered, and even after watering still lookin like that. Used very little nutes probably 1/4 of the recommended dose. Keep in mind it does look more droopy than usual as this is the lights off period.
  15. John.len

    First grow

    So is kelp another form of nutes? Do i add into the same water i put my nutes in?
  16. John.len

    First grow

    Hey all, this is my first time growing and I wouldn't mind getting some input on what you think im doing right, wrong, or if you have any advice to make things better or easier. Im using a 250w hps bulb, in a 3x3x6 grow tent. Got a '4 exhaust can fan, '6 intake duct fan as well as a oscillating...
  17. John.len

    Male plant confirmation..

    Hey the plant has pistils growing!! So happy i seen them this morning
  18. John.len

    Male plant confirmation..

    To you as well, BC is a legend over here for good weed! The book is called marijuana horticulture the indoor/outdoor medical grower bible by jorge cervantes. Great read with lots of color pictures. Deff recommend if you haven't read it already. I really appreciate all your help, if i do end up...
  19. John.len

    Male plant confirmation..

    Its funny you'd say that i was really considering it. Im actually a beginner, this is my first legit grow. But i've done alot of reading throughout different forums, and talked with the employee who was in charge of the garden center at my local head shop ( just in case you dont know thats what...