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  1. Kaendar

    Do you think incest is bad?

    Bcuz I dont know u.. I just know ur a kinda cute white girl that hopped on the lets act like kids and pick on kaendar bandwagon.
  2. Kaendar

    28 shoot, 7 dead in Wisconsin

    According to UB Christians dont help anyone, they are just bigots.
  3. Kaendar

    Do you think incest is bad?

    Not only would I have done that, but I would have went and put myself between that dude and the mother and child.
  4. Kaendar

    Do you think incest is bad?

    2nd personal insult of the day. Your lucky im an environmentalist, otherwise I would pollute your habitat out of existence.
  5. Kaendar

    Do you think incest is bad?

    Ive explained my beliefs on gay marriage already. Give one group rights, every other group is going to demand those rights as well.
  6. Kaendar

    Do you think incest is bad?

    This goes back to the argument of "is marriage a freedom for everybody?"
  7. Kaendar

    Do you think incest is bad?

    No. Dont compare me to Urca, the girl that is racially conflicted and doesnt call the cops when a mother and child are being assaulted. Please dont.
  8. Kaendar

    Aw Fuck! My dog took a shit on The Great Salt Lake and so did I

    Lmao at no R rated movies. Mormons are hilarious.
  9. Kaendar

    Force Re-vegging?

    This is not true. No matter how much or how little N you give a plant, that wont change its reproduction cycle.
  10. Kaendar

    Do you think incest is bad?

    So you have an issue with my opinions bcuz you think they stem from faith???
  11. Kaendar

    White crystals on leaves???

    I started seein em about 4 days ago.
  12. Kaendar

    Early Buds

  13. Kaendar

    Indica strain?

    Thats a sativa dominant strain. And no, there is no way to tell what strain it is.
  14. Kaendar


    Does your example represent the majority of actual cases? No.
  15. Kaendar

    Do you think incest is bad?

    I never said I wasnt a man of faith, I just said I didnt belong to any one religion.
  16. Kaendar

    Do you think incest is bad?

    Notice where I said not the lessons taught
  17. Kaendar

    Do you think incest is bad?

    The New Testament. And I was referring to the lifestyle, which usually stemmed from bare necessity, not the lessons taught.
  18. Kaendar

    Do you think incest is bad?

    Someone that sees nothing wrong with incest of course.
  19. Kaendar


    Ok dude, if you want to justify incest thats your perogative. Just remember that probably 95% of the time, incest involves molestation and or rape.
  20. Kaendar

    Do you think incest is bad?

    Why, because I have gumption and dont fall prey to what the newest social movement is to maybe stay cool and acceptable? All im worried about is not breaking the forum rules at this point.