(: Me and my little poodle - we are looking for a place to spent our holidays in a relaxed and affordable place - can you tell me more about your prices for a single shared room (20feet² is enough) / breakfast incl. ? (:
Some aircooled led light set ups need > 5% of total power for their air fans.
I use also a brushless pump 2,3 W / 200L/h / 10 feet head height .
Cooling 2 lamps (veg. and flower room) up to 1000W with 2,3 W. ---->
i only need 0,23% of my system power for active cooling. --->
with much...
:peace: Don`t you need hot water in your grow house ?
E-boilers with integrated heatexchanger are perfect in combination with watercooled led light or solar roof power to substitute oil or gas waterheaters.
The pic shows brandnew 80L boiler with integr. magnesium anode (anticorrosion)...
i guess your fittings are not made out of aluminium and inside the water circuit maybe you will find other metals as well. So corrosion also depends on your local water - best value, but expensive is destillated water.
I put an anticorrosion called "fluid film gel bn" - it`s kind of grease made...
if you look to a daylight spectrum - it is much more even than e.g. white ~ 6500K led spec.
No gap around 500nm. In natural sun light the region around 500nm belongs to the most intensive wavelenght inside the spectral power distribution and some carotenoids are very activ inside this range. ---...
I guess all your vertical growing makes you dizzy - loosing horizontal overview
climb down and talk to your local KKK:dunce::dunce::dunce: section-leader,
to touch ground with both feet ;)
He knows the antidote: Eating clean coal is the best - against mental diaria
For some stupid reasons - we are not allowed to grow our weed directly under the sun.
That`s why we are hanging around here, discussing our personal light-systems.
To imitate and substitute the sun tho means - to reproduce a little light heat cogeneration unit.
Because the sun is the first...
have a look to a solution with rubber and flange...
whenever needed I can open the tube ... to clean and renew anti-corrosion.
I use a heatexchanger to cool down my lamp and have hot showers for not to waste the
...still enormeous heat production of led light (~75% of input)
The direct...
Measure your lights with a power meter - ~75% of the total power is converted to heat, and only 25% to light.
Have you ever heard about ***light - heat - cogeneration*** ?
In a 2 x 4 x 5 space I wouldn`t use more than 300-350W
Put ---> watercooled<--- in the SEARCH above , or lock in my contents.
you will find pics and related content... and also other watercoolers.
i buy my chips in asia - but you can use any chip you !!! trust.
i use my lamps in combination with heatexchangers
if you really want to DIY --- you can...
You have to be a very good and complete traveller in TIME - SPACE - AND STATE OF MIND
to see "ALL" ........ and there are ways to train that.
I`m also a complete mess - don`t worry
What if --- I know the worth of my chips and their data.
all chips are inside a 360nm - 730nm range.
all chips are driven @ 20-50% of max. load
watercooled led light in this build = light - heat cogeneration
The lamp produces my hot water, that I need in shower and kitchen,
it`s three times...
I also tried to do the same - more even spec, but with different chips.
Didn`t use any wires inbetween the different chips
It´s a watercooled build and will be tested this winter
? Why do you try to even the spectrum of your lamp ???
She could know what i know, ???
1 / because she studied physics, as a daughter of a protestant vicar,
2 / growing up behind the iron curtain in ex GDR - guided and hugged by the rusian ocupiers and their german straw men.
3 / She was not involved in the cycles of non violent resistance...
left-green please --- not a member of anything - except homo sapiens
don`t worry about "agent" orange - hopefully he will join A. Lincoln or/and J.F.K. without my personal help. !!! Give him tranquilisers and send him to the psycholocical state department - heS infected not only with alzheimer...