[ https:// www.journaldequebec.com/2022/05/24/les-syndiques-de-la-sqdc-en-greve-generale-illimitee-1 ]
Les syndiqués de la SQDC en grève générale illimitée (2022-May-24)
En février 2022, les travailleurs ont voté à 91% pour un mandat permettant d'enclencher des moyens de pression...
[ https:// www.youtube.com/shorts/UmmSk4mKIuM ]
La « wax pen » : cette nouvelle forme de drogue au secondaire. En avez-vous entendu parler? (2022-May-11)
Ref.: Milik Bélanger-Sévigny (m.belangersevigny @ noovo.info)
N.B.: I just checked today and those WaxPen ain't...
After i reported fragmented hints of how the day started now here's its culmination, a familiar mediatic face:
[ https:// www.rollitup.org/t/quebecs-new-21-and-up-cannabis-law-is-unconstitutional-julius-grey.999304/#post-15144258 ]
Quebec's new 21-and-up cannabis law is...
28 mai 2022 CanFest à Québec (2022-Apr-29)
Le premier salon du cannabis mis en échec par le ministère de la Santé (2022-May-19)
I live in Canada the same as everyone else, except our politicians were anonymously in favour of banning home grow, which was lowered to the ridiculous level of 4 per household thanks to Justin selfie boxer-gloves Trudeau. It's called democracy and while there's too many stores in Ontario i...
Anyone noticed that "MMAR" (Marihuana Medical Access Regulations) happens to sound a bit like mammar, as in tettering a mammar gland?...
Reminescent of an alcoholic always keeping a bootle in the hand, e.g. in a state of "junkie" dependancy, or "addiction"...
Now, please remind me about...
Le Bloc Pot ne retient pas les "contributions" d'individus ciblés pour des raisons assez difficiles à saisir, à moins que cela résulte d'une volonté de mousser la colle¢te de "don$", mais pas seulement à mon très humble avis personnel...
Voici 2 des derniers échantillons rejetés qu'il...
Difficile à dire, les journalistes sont soit occupés ailleurs ou sinon simplement avares de commentaires lorsqu'il s'agit d'amener de l'eau au moulin des consommateurs, plutôt qu'à ceux qui nous traitent en produit. Il y a eu mention de changements récents mais pratiquement pas assez...
Hummm... Lots of "in French only" almost 2 weeks ago:
Enquête québécoise sur le cannabis 2021: survol des résultats (in French only)2022-04-14
Québec Cannabis Survey 2021 (in French only)2021-10-15
Analysis documents
Enquête québécoise sur le cannabis...
Here's another, part #3 apparently... Anyone got the official english version??
[ https:// cisss-outaouais.gouv.qc.ca/news/resultats-de-lenquete-quebecoise-sur-le-cannabis-2021-maintenant-disponibles/ ]
Résultats de l’Enquête québécoise sur le cannabis 2021 maintenant disponibles (2022-Apr-25)...
More sources added:
Sorry for a need to use some on-line translator again...
M'well, Richard Bélanger happens to be a pediatrician at the CHU center of Québec city and he added more icing to his peculiar cake recently; it's been a long while after we saw/heard him across Canada's French-speaking TV network as one...
Use a microscope to expose at least some of that ego in a graphically obvious manner even to the masses, for starters under traits of what's called "remediation", i heard... Though i much prefer "VILIFICATION" as there's no ambiguity behind.
Oh please!
It must be a transmissible desease, 'cause before that sort of begging came from Hexo/Hydropothecary - makers of Kosher Zyklon, conveniently transforming into NON-Detection "traces" of a LEVEL-3 item on Geneva's Chemical Weapons Convention, thanks to myclobutanil still BANNED unless...
M'well, nobody will dictate me what consumption method to use and i must point out the end of the road shouldn't have to stop with the invention of fire. Inhalation - NOT SMOKING - is going to stick around for a good reason, but i question a void when it comes to some unexpected aspect actually...
Hollywood should be blamed for creating generations of greedy mad people i guess. Honnest work used to be about modest margins, truth is we were given as an electoral gift to predators gone out of control. Why not 300 % instead of 30 % after all?... While generations self-poison themselves...