Thanks man, yeah it was quiet a cluster fuck over here between trimming and setting up the 8x8 tent and trimming. Now things are slowing down so it was fun setting up the dwc set up yesterday.
I am running 1000s I fucked up and got the old mechanical ballast they run super hot and you can't dim...
I think I'm going to order these $82 bucks!
Most my sativa dominant strains/ look like that at week 3 to 5 they take a while to mature and don't start stacking and getting fat till like week 7 through 11. Mabey just be patient.
That's what I'm saying
Man haha I'm switching to all hydro it's such a bitch to get in there and water each one ha
I think 2 3x6 flood tables in the 8x8 tent after this just enough room To walk around them.
Thanks man ya stop in from Time To time.
And I try and do it low and slow like 100-110 120 is ok but watch out it sucks when u over heat it and get that forever goo stuff.
Built this cool little dwc set up.
3 18 gallon totes.
Each with 2 big air stones.
8 inch net pot.
Got a nice strong little air pump.
So I'm trying to do 3 big plants. there under a 1000 dimmed down to 600 for now, but plan on possibly getting up 2 1000s.
Just finishing setting up this little dwc 4x8 tent.
3 tubs 18 gallon each with 2 big air stones in each.
Under a 1000 watt dimmed to 600 right now.
8 inch net pots.
I want to get these plants really big so have a extra 1000 watt waiting, and have no set veg time. My goal is 8-10 oz a plant...
Just got these 3 dwc tubs built up for the 4x8 tent. only one clone got roots hopefuly more will show tomorrow.
Got two big air stones in n each tub.
Each tub is 18 gallons.
Also got a dimmable ballast so the light is only on 600 right now.