I didn't say there will be new episodes. I wish that will be, but i never heard anything official. Although the fact that they make a new movie 17 years later (if i'm not mistaken) from the last one, makes me think that you never know..:mrgreen:
Indeed.. DBZ was FAAAAR greater than GT. Althought kid Goku in GT is my fav Goku character. Gokus transformation to SSJ4 was freakin awesome too, & Gogeta SSJ4. That said.. i'll watch GT, i'll even watch AF or freakin Absalon if someone released new episodes that were watchable. After so...
Sorry for your loss man. If there's anything i can say..
RIP to your brother & best wishes to you & your family.
Stay strong & make your brother proud.
Just wanted to say that i really admire people like you. I have a little anxiety & i find it hard & when i see people like you suffering fron similar conditions it's like..WHOA!!
Stay strong & keep fighting. ;)
I am that way when i'm not high.:mrgreen:
Like you over analyzin every little thing, important & less important, simple daily things.?? I had a kind of similar experience myself. & it was about EVERYTHING!! & it was a kind of way of trying to find the best possible choice in everything, even...
BOLD: Reached Top??
Believe me.. I dont need that much of balls to call someone idiot on the internet. You put in the same level a group of racists/separatists going nuts in a forum with an apocalypse of people going nuts on the streets rapin animals & murderin people (& make a...
I really don't have a good feeling about this kinda areas. some years ago i wanted to do my 1st (succesfull) grow & i have a remote house near mine. The old lady who had lived there had passed some years ago & her relatives was almost in the other side of the country & i never remember to...
I just idolize you!!!
..da hell you find that wall?? Not the best option if you growing in a private (remote) area of someone else imo. Both for you & for the owner.
You totally lost me.. :o:confused:
You're sayin..?? your plants starin flowering, this may be a process of regeneration (I know this as regeneration: http://greenmanspage.com/guides/regeneration.html ) when the plants revegging & the way to help'em reveg (:? ) is to give them extra light...
I don't think that's the deal. The fact that they don't get direct sunlight doesn't mean they don't get any. Do you have them at your house or there is any source of light near them (street lamp or somethin like that..)?
1) Example:
A) A local citizen sits next to you & says to you: I want all foreigners dead. Can you call the cops & arrest him? With what charge? As far as i know there is no charge for wishing anything you want.
B) Acitizen sits next to you & says to you: I want your family dead...
This is not a right. Υour rights stops where the rights of the others begin. This poses a great threat to society, MY family & democrasy itself. I didn't see this group you guys talkin about but if it was a bunch of people talkin about their dislikes for a race of people or somethin like...
I guess the most likely is when you had it at your home you had some source of light interfering with your plant (from your house, street lamp or somethin like that) & when you move it the light hours reduced & that's what triggered flowering.
About your Q, i have heard about this kind of...
vegging= περίοδος ανάπτυξης (I assume you are greek)
He means that your plant get back into veg mode cuz the daytime gets longer. When the daytime gets shorter, usually around August/September the plant will...