This was a beautiful Hindu Kush autoflowering lady but lately I noticed that the tips are brown and curling up. It is in a homemade DWC using FF nutes. Seed was planted on 3/1 and I know package says 70 days from seed. I cleaned the reservoir and put fresh pH balanced water in today. I...
I am blind as a bat and shake too much for the 10 dollar microscope, I have no idea what I am looking at with it (I see milky, amber, clear, icy). So I am looking for best guess on time to finish chopping. I cut two branches and trimmed them to get a better look (the smaller one was 5 days...
I originally posted below link, I bought 30X loupe and just bought the radioshack microscope which has not arrived yet. Was wondering if anybody had a rough guess on harvest time and yield from these newer pictures. I have searched and know it is about the trichomes but not sure if the trichs...
Hello- first time grower, I was wondering if you can give me a rough idea when you think this should be harvested. I have a 30X magnifier glass but can't really tell what I am looking for. Any comments feedback would be greatly appreciated. Any thoughts on potential yield, it is about 4 feet...