So I was smoking with a friend who is pritty new to having a smoke and chill . And he came out with I want to get so high that I'm too high ? Got me thinking what actually is too high ? I've never stopped and though man I need to stop I'm too high
Hi fellow medders. Can anyone tell me what's happened to my lady? Got a feeling it's been snails or slugs or something else??
And this is why Cannabis is illegal. Stupid Information out there like that. There has been a massive story that has been going round all the new rounds that Police are not targeting Growers on a small scale and the likely hood of you getting arrested is only if it has been reported by someone...
it's for Dynamic stability .Take sky diving for example. You spread your arms and feet to make an Arrow. If the arrow starts to flip sideways, the air resistance against the fletching is greater than the resistance at the nose, and the arrow automatically goes back to its initial orientation...
So this has happened and its on the parliament website . There's been over 100,000 petitions and it has to be brought up. It finally looks like we are looking at the success America has had with the Medical benefits. I will be putting Key Quotes and discussions in the first page so people can be...
Deep in stoner land and thinking about loads of different things. One just poped in my head about how much money i must of spent buying cannabis in my life. Got me thinking and i wanted to come on here and spread a questiong to RIU.How much do you think you have spent in the last 5 years? I will...