On the Job part...
If someone was to show me the money they could shred it all and do whatever they wanted with it. (Oil,shatter,rosin)
Personal insight...
It sucks having the means to dispose of a body. Problem is everyone knows it so no one ever tries. Instead I'm stuck staring at a black and...
Hahahaha....... Who's up for a beer? (I'm buying)
Test Results
Sickness Quotient: 68%
Hmmm, your "Sickness Quotient" of 68% is a little worriesome.
Detailed Diagnosis
Interpersonal Insights
You have trouble being friendly to others, especially people who hate your guts and want to hurt...
Hey DoubleJJ.
What micro fabric size do you use? Do you buy the premade ones or do you make your own? And can the micro fabric be reused or do you use fresh fabric for each squeeze?
Sorry for all the questions, I read back quite a ways and haven't seen any of you talk about the size micro...
It appears that way.
It's amazes me the lengths they will go to and the greed.
We all know what happens to those that stand in their way. Just look at Bob Marley, Martin Luthier King and Jesus Christ for that matter.
It appears our government is at it again.
First it was the BLM seizing land that domesticated animals had no right to graze upon. They killed countless cattle and even a human being. Their right to do so was debatable. People felt so strongly about this that they came from far and wide to stand...
Come on now... Don't you live a little to far south for that?
The town I was livin in before is pretty country (5 min away). They have town, county, state annex, and inland fishery/game warden not to mention the collage police hold jurisdiction.
Hence our moving.....
Most folks retire to Florida. When I grow old, I'd like to spend my summers in Alaska and winters in Maine.
An occasional week in the islands would be nice.
Yes we did.
It's going to be a cold cold winter.
We haven't been on a vacation in atleast 10 yrs and that was with the kids and family.
After this season if anyone is looking for us you'll know where to find me.
I didn't realize we were going to get a frost overnight until about 8pm last night when the wife saw something on FB. The front greenhouse was all set but we needed to do something for outback. So we grabbed a bunch of sheets, clothes pins and a stepladder and went out and wrapped them all up...
9-15-16 Frost advisory for northern parts of Maine. (We are right on the edge of it)
I had started a bunch of MOB clones to put out. A partner backed out and I never got them out.
There's actually 6 of them in that leanto. I gave them to a friend that needed a hand up and is living with us at the moment.
It is absolutely beautiful.
For 40 years I fought life. Never satisfied enough to take things as they were ment to be. This lead to many painful lessons including addiction, anger issues and a host of other problems.
I now realize there are lots of things in life that we have no control...
I made a bit of a mess of my lawn, but I got the cover on the greenhouse and got it all batoned down before the storm.
Also got a few of the tops tied over that were touching the cover.