want a really clean smoke! try an electric lighter. i bought one a couple of weeks ago. what a clean hit; no lighter fluid, propane or match sulfur taster or smell.
i've used many different brands of nutes, liquid and granular. get a good balanced fertilizer, for example, Osmocote 14-14-14. they're all good, the main thing is don't let your plants get chlorotic leaves. with a little time you'll be able to read your plants' needs.
can't see much of the newer growth but what little i see tells me you're past that problem. maybe a little nute burn in the beginning.
get a good balance fertilizer. looks like a little magnesium and nitrogen deficiency. GL
you're going to have problems using blood meal only for a nitrogen supplement. it'll begin with lower leaves yellowing prematurely. get a good balanced fertilizer and don't overdo it.
the biggest mistake for new growers it over watering. i don't think you have that problem . looking good!!! GL