This is not what this post is about. thanks for your opinion on what you think is the only seed dealers in the world. this is about bc seeds genetics and who has them.which is not you as you have never herd of them and decided to put your 2 cents in
Thought you might like this picture of elephant mixed with the big mama from bc seeds. And no I did not buy them they were gifted about 13 years ago that pic is today 9 18 19. It is 54 or56 days old has not shown sex yet sry for bad pic the wind is blowing on them.
So I'm looking to talk about a touchie subject for most. The bc seed co and their outrageous claims. Well folks I have seen the Gene's grow they are not far off off the growth they claim. I currently have the last of a dead breed of elephant I had to mix it with a good bigmama male to keep as...