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  1. E

    Wooooooo got my medical prescription

    Can u medicate for things like dyslexia and disculclia nn stuff my actual diagnoses is adhd andnlearning disability butni have a freand who's smart as fuck n reckons i got it apon a little bit of digging i think I might have it be dyslexic with numbers or whatever
  2. E

    What did you accomplish today?

    I have knkw idia one looks like granite the other qourts not sure about the other at some point ill remeber tk google
  3. E

    What did you accomplish today?

    I found these rocks today be cool to find out wjat thay are think ones granite and ones qourts
  4. E

    Knf random dumb questions

    can I use seawater instead of sea salt when say making knf microbes or faa in stead of sea salt .I'm broke and determined .also the microbes in tje seawater vs just with leaf mould
  5. E

    Wooooooo got my medical prescription

    I can finally start my medical weed journey sorry if this if this is the wrong place I'm not right in the head