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  1. Norby Grown

    Now that Michigan Rec is legal...

    I stopped but this guy doesn't like it when he can understand data and goes to name calling. Even after I stopped he continued with the insults. And the data is from legit sites, FBI and others. And it's 25 years ago, not 30. He can't even add and subtract, I can see why data scares him and...
  2. Norby Grown

    Now that Michigan Rec is legal...

    Try this one more time. This is from the FBI stats. The FBI's Supplemental Homicide Reports show that 57% of all murders in 1993 were committed with hand- guns, 3% with rifles, 5% with shotguns, and 5% with firearms where the type was unknown. These are murders, not suicides or cop shootings...
  3. Norby Grown

    Now that Michigan Rec is legal...

    Sure, start attacking me since you can't understand the problem.
  4. Norby Grown

    Now that Michigan Rec is legal...

    If you want clarification on something ask. I'm talking about violence and had brought in knives, bats and fists earlier in the conversation, trying to show people kill each other even when tehre aren't guns involved. Solving the violence problem doesn't have to do with guns. Sorry you don't...
  5. Norby Grown

    Now that Michigan Rec is legal...

    I didn't say russia had more GUN murders, I said they had more violence and deaths even though they have banned all semi autos. I check the stats, you're the one who has drank the kool aid. My views are middle of the road, I believe in better control over certain guns, mandatory background...
  6. Norby Grown

    Now that Michigan Rec is legal...

    I can see you are a lost cause and I'm wasting my time. Have a nice day. I'm saying that your efforts should be to mandate a pistol permit course with training and enhanced background checks. Does that sound like NRA talk to you. Merely trying to put the laws where they will do the best...
  7. Norby Grown

    Now that Michigan Rec is legal... Remember this is only homicides. Of all the gun deaths in the US 66+% is suicide. 10+% is by police. leaving homicide at only 25% of the actual death by gun #'s. Which is where you get less than 3% of deaths by gun associated with...
  8. Norby Grown

    Now that Michigan Rec is legal...

    This is for homicides. Now 66+% of gun deaths are suicides which are almost all handguns and not represented in homicides. Rifles accounted for 3%. Of which "assault rifles" are a subset. I imagine the unaccounted homicides were knives, bats, fists etc. Which shows knives and fists and bats...
  9. Norby Grown

    Now that Michigan Rec is legal...

    Most hunting guns are semi auto. You think it has to be a bolt action to be a hunting rifle? You don't know that much about guns then. I could put a bump stock on my wifes .22lr. semi auto squirrel gun. I can also put 50rnd clips into it. Only difference between my wifes squirrel gun and my...
  10. Norby Grown

    Now that Michigan Rec is legal...

    Ha, so you buy the whole gun legislation polls thing? Those are polls, not votes. People support background checks but not taking away "assault rifles", which is what the dems always throw in to get more than what the people want. And if they do support taking away "assault weapons" they are...
  11. Norby Grown

    Now that Michigan Rec is legal...

    You specifically said show me where dems worked to subvert the will of the voters. You should word your phrases better. You didn't say show me where dems proposed regulation to subvert the will of the voters. They overwhelmingly voted for the transport law which was not proposed by the voters...
  12. Norby Grown

    Now that Michigan Rec is legal...

    The democrats voted overwhelmingly for the transport law.
  13. Norby Grown

    WTF has happened to Michigan's RIU spot?

    Really, had to change the word gay to dick in butt, that's what you chose to change in your statement? For someone who purports to hate gays you sure seem to love being descriptive about it. :)
  14. Norby Grown

    WTF has happened to Michigan's RIU spot?

    Nice reply btw. Your verbal sparring is tantamount to Mike Tyson. :)
  15. Norby Grown

    WTF has happened to Michigan's RIU spot?

    I'm not gay. I just like gay people more than whiney ass little bitches who feel the need to put someone else down to be able to feel good about themselves. What someone else does in the bedroom affect you? Your attitude is what makes people think they can make weed illegal. Grow up. Find a...
  16. Norby Grown

    WTF has happened to Michigan's RIU spot?

    Was that really a biblical reference to the sexuality of Californians? Ok, first off you never slander a whole state or group of people when some self loathing wimp hiding behind a keyboard slanders your state. You point out the mentality of someone who would stoop so low as to call your state...
  17. Norby Grown

    Gorilla Glue #4 in Michigan

    They do, usually after 11pm on Friday
  18. Norby Grown

    Gorilla Glue #4 in Michigan

    You don't set up an appt. You just show up and get a # or show up and wait if you get there after 11am. Only open Sat and Sun.
  19. Norby Grown

    Gorilla Glue #4 in Michigan

    That's the only way to get to 44 pages on one thread. :)
  20. Norby Grown

    Gorilla Glue #4 in Michigan

    I had her take out 1/3rd of my garden when she was set in front of the garden in front of the fan. Shame, she was the favorite of my patients from 100 strains over the last 4 years. Got a lot of gorilla tonic, space glue, super snowballsxgg#4 and strait gg#4 fem seeds for outdoors though. The...