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  1. Norby Grown

    Powdery Mildew

    Chem, u yourself posted there is more hydrogen cyanide in MJ smoke than tehre is in tobacco smoke, naturally, not from any residues left on plants. and I'd like to do the chemistry math and find out how much more hydrogen cyanide would be in a joint with the ppb found on some of these samples...
  2. Norby Grown

    Powdery Mildew

    Sounds like you got some paranoid patients. Mine knew my quality for 2 years and had no problems trusting me and didn't want me to run out for a few montsh because tehy'd have to go elsewhere and they'd rather have me be truthful than go back to a dispensary. If they have to use it over and...
  3. Norby Grown

    Powdery Mildew

    First off, I have not advocated using it anytime in flower, that gives 8-12+ weeks. From other people I've talked to it's between 5-6 weeks indoors till it's undetectable. I know from one test it's not detectable after 8 weeks. And teh amount detectable even 4-5 weeks in is PPB. There is no...
  4. Norby Grown

    Powdery Mildew

    You are wrong, anything that hasn't been tested on something is banned from being used on it. Show me where ANY of these agencies tested eagle 20 on tobacco. They have to have an extra layer because the residue is being smoked. No one has done the studies for an acceptable level. What I'm...
  5. Norby Grown

    Powdery Mildew

    You are confusing used with able to tell it has been used. If there are no residues then there isn't a difference between using it and not. If it doesn't show up in tests then it would be sold outright in ANY dispensary in the country because even though it isn't approved it also isn't denied...
  6. Norby Grown

    Powdery Mildew

    See, that's misinformation. You have never researched the use of it so you think it's worse than yours since there was eagle 20 used on it at some point in it's life when brought in to quarantine. That's your opinion not fact, so until you educate yourself on the topic could you not paint me...
  7. Norby Grown

    Powdery Mildew

    Umm, it's used on grapes, soy, etc. Dozens of different foods. You've eaten it if you don't do nothing but organics and maybe then depending on where you are getting them. I understand you said respectfully but please don't try to make me look like a fool saying it's just for turf...
  8. Norby Grown

    Powdery Mildew

  9. Norby Grown

    Powdery Mildew

    Why take it from other people, you can look it up for yourself like I did? That lab doesn't work with myclobutanil as to how it responds in plants only whether or not it's found in a test sample. You can look up the studies from the labs that tested how it works in a plant with a few key...
  10. Norby Grown

    Powdery Mildew

    Pm that affects MJ can only affect MJ and a few other plants(hops is one). I grew outdoors in NY for 15 years and never got PM. The spores aren't everywhere. And I don't spray anything prophylacticly. No crying here. Had it once and it's gone for good as there are no more spores in the area...
  11. Norby Grown

    Powdery Mildew

    I don't know where you got that(never mind, saw it at the bottom and it's somewhat wrong). Myclobutanil is translaminar. It's only systemic if watered into the roots. If it's sprayed it only goes 1 to 2 cell layers deep and is not transported thru the plant. That's why it's imperative to get...
  12. Norby Grown

    General Election- Dr. Bob

    "path to legalization" could very well be with travel bans("locked in the trunk" is what they all voted for here), extreme taxation and no ability to grow for yourself. Neither party is going to change if we won't vote for other parties. They prefer to have a 50/50 control with each other.
  13. Norby Grown

    Powdery Mildew

    If you killed the hyphae and spray something(oil) to collect any spores blowing around or use UV or hepa filters right then there is no chance of it coming back.
  14. Norby Grown

    Powdery Mildew

    Umm, who cares what you use? Just because you don't use it doesn't mean someone else can't ad get rid of it, whether it be oraganic fungicides and pesticides or not. I said I trashed plants in flower with it and saved plants in veg. The leaves sprayed in veg aren't smoked at the end, they are...
  15. Norby Grown

    Powdery Mildew

    Yep you definitely translated something wrong in what you read or heard. I think I understad what your saying is that your plum tree never spread PM to your plants just that spores are still in your garden and it comes back time to time? Use some oil to trap the dust so that it never comes...
  16. Norby Grown

    Powdery Mildew

    You are wrong. Eagle 20 can kill the whole cell, hyphae and all. I ahve read I'd ask you to do the same cause if you do you'll see the truth and we won't have to debate/argue.
  17. Norby Grown

    Powdery Mildew

    What? First, off I didn't say prevention is the way, I said I have NOT used any preventative sprays in over 2 years. If that's what you got from my post I can see that translation of what you heard is the problem in you thinking it's systemic or acts systemic. Second, you think the PM from...
  18. Norby Grown

    Powdery Mildew

    You got ripped off in all those seminars and classes if you think PM is systemic and can't be removed. No scientist who studied PM is going to tell you it's systemic and can't be eradicated. I hang out with scientists/professors and they are much more specific on how they describe things. I...
  19. Norby Grown

    Powdery Mildew

    I got rid of it about 2 years ago and kept all the same strains going. It can be done with eagle 20 and spraying coconut oil around the base of teh walls to catch any spores left behind. Just 2 applications in veg(everything in flower was destroyed) and I've never seen it since. haven't used...
  20. Norby Grown

    Powdery Mildew

    Are you saying the PM that infects your zucchini can transfer to your MJ plants?