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  1. Sureshot2

    Any of you grow camomile with the girls

    Are you growing indoors or out? In my experience growing chamomile got many years, it attracts thrips more than anything else I've ever planted, so I would be cautious with it outdoors. If growing indoors I would advise you definitely grow it from seed and not a transplant from a nursery, and of...
  2. Sureshot2

    Help diagnosing problem during flower

    Yeah I normally wouldn't go that high but I figured "hey I got this bright new light maybe I can go higher ppm"... I guess I learned that lesson the hard way lol. I figure I'll just stick with similar numbers that I used with the t5's.
  3. Sureshot2

    Help diagnosing problem during flower

    That very well may be the case since I was running higher ppm than normal this time around. I'm hoping the flush will prevent any further damage along with the reduced ppm. Definitely no spider mites here, I did a thorough check with a 30x loupe as well as checking a few leaves under a...
  4. Sureshot2

    Help diagnosing problem during flower

    Hey all, so I started noticing some sort of deficiency/lockout/toxicity problem around week four or so of flower and cant quite figure out what it is. I had thought I fixed it, but it started getting worse towards the end of that week, and I'm into week six now (day 37) and its looking much...
  5. Sureshot2

    How to change res in a dwc scrog setup?

    I use an rdwc type system that I made with 5 gal buckets in the tents, which are all piped together to a res that sits outside the tents for easy access. I do all my topping off, adding nutes, water changes, pH checking etc from the external res, and drain the system using using its own pump via...
  6. Sureshot2

    Lights on during flowering hermie myth?

    I agree that it is not wise to intentionally interrupt the dark period, but I also think there is little risk in turning the lights on if you absolutely have to, as long as it is not done all the time.
  7. Sureshot2

    Who's Got The Fostiest Buds? Let's See How Frosty A Bud Can Really Get?

    These were about 2 weeks before harvest, GGG Harlequin x Joseph. Excuse the cut leaf in the top one, I had just taken a sample to check under the microscope.
  8. Sureshot2

    Lights on during flowering hermie myth?

    I don't think it's completely a myth that light during the dark period can cause hermies, but I do think it's highly (read: incredibly) overstated. I too have worked in the room with lights during the dark period, as well as having dim diffuse light leaks through venting, and haven't had any...
  9. Sureshot2

    Liquid KoolBloom and pH

    Not sure if anyone really cares due to lack of responses, but a quick check on the samples tonight showed a rise back to around 5.9. Not as bad as in the res, but still required additional pH down to bring back down.
  10. Sureshot2

    Liquid KoolBloom and pH

    Alright so quick update. In an effort to isolate this problem and make sure it wasn't due to some interaction within my system, I decided to do a test using one gallon samples. In my first sample I used one gallon of tap water (as I always do in my system) and tested the pH at about 7.8 from...
  11. Sureshot2

    Liquid KoolBloom and pH

    So I decided to try using GH liquid koolbloom around week 3/4 or so of flower (now at week 7) to see what it was all about, not really sure if it's really doing much of anything, but one thing I did notice was that every time I have added it to my res the pH climbs to 6.1-6.2 and will hold...
  12. Sureshot2

    Agromax UV-A "Plus" .... What's the scoop on these?

    Shit sorry I forgot to reply back to this thread! Good to hear you are having good luck so far with these bulbs so far, have you seen a noticeable difference in bud quality/yield after you added the uv-a bulbs? You'll have to let me know how it works out for you, I'm thinking of adding a...
  13. Sureshot2

    Agromax UV-A "Plus" .... What's the scoop on these?

    Thanks for the quick reply! That is what I like to hear, at least I didn't waste money on the bulb then. Right now I have the UV-A bulb as a horizontal side light just below the main fixture. The tent is 2' wide so the farthest leaves are around 22" from the light, and the closest are about 2-3"...
  14. Sureshot2

    Agromax UV-A "Plus" .... What's the scoop on these?

    So I had seen these bulbs on HTG's website and was always curious about them, so when I was in there earlier today to get some nutes and stuff I decided to pick one up (4' 54w) to throw in a single bulb fixture as a supplement during flower. Right now I'm running a mix of 75% 3000k bulbs and 25%...
  15. Sureshot2

    Plant quickly becoming ill, urgently need help!

    Thank you all for the replies. I agree I do not think this is a nutrient issue, but just to play it safe I have brought my ppm down to around 500 and will leave it there for a few days. I disagree that the feeding schedule is bad, as I have always topped off with pH'd plain water between giving...
  16. Sureshot2

    Plant quickly becoming ill, urgently need help!

    I suppose its possible, but I have never had a problem with it before. I insulate all my buckets with mylar to mange the temps better. The air temps at the canopy are around 78 degrees, and the mylar is very smooth so there isn't any hot spots to potentially burn holes.
  17. Sureshot2

    Plant quickly becoming ill, urgently need help!

    Hello all, Longtime lurker first time poster here. I recently when to check on my plants and noticed that one of the three has started to develop light colored soft patches with no detail in them, the veins appear to be completely missing. On top of this several of the affected leaves are...