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  1. grow

    2 cfls ,,,,plant dont look gud though :(

    HI! ,,, im using two cfls formy grow ,,,the 1 on the left side is a little low power ,,,the plant is about 2 months old ,,,does it look good ? SHould i bring the lights closer ? Please leave your sugestions ........ THaNx! v
  2. grow

    50 w "cool light" will do the job?

    hi ,,,i have been growing for about 2 months now ,..This is my growing closet ,,please take a look and telme if it looks ok ....i am using a 50w "cool light" or "day light" for growing ,,so is it good enough?? And should i cover the closet with foils ? Thanks pepl---------------------- v
  3. grow

    Did The Indians Have Yo-Yo's?

    im an indian ,,,,and we dint have "yo-yo" dude ,,, LOlz
  4. grow

    is 15w bulb too small ???

    hey,,,,( purple ganja) ,,your the man dude :) ,,cool ,,,i will try and make the threads as simple as possible ,but if you guys find any mistakes ,please be cool with it as i cant write english like u guys (us n uk) ,,,so ,,,THIS IS A GREAT SITE MAN! ITS THE MOST ACTIVE ,AND MOST INFORMATIVE ...
  5. grow

    400 Watt Growlux Problemo woth heat!

    dude,,,i was wondring how youl transplant those into a bigger pot ??will lik scoop it out ,with a spoon kinda thingy ,,,or do u noe ne other alternatives ?? ive always had a problem with transplanting,,,so ;]
  6. grow

    is 15w bulb too small ???

    lol,,,u pepl shud giv a break of smokin da weed man ,,,, Ya'l sound lik stoners ,,lol,,,,giv a break guys,,,itl b good 4 u ....neway ,,,paddy510 ,,,,,thx for da info dude ,,,,pepl lik u keep da site alive ,,,THANX DUDE!(ONLY PADDY)............
  7. grow

    is 15w bulb too small ???

  8. grow

    is 15w bulb too small ???

    Hello GUYS!? ,,,after u pepl told me to bring the lights closer to my plant ,,, i setup a bulb (until then ,,it was just sunlight),,,so anyway,,,dis is a temp. setting ,,,so plz tellme if the bulb will do the job for a month or so ....,,,..And also ,,,i wanted 2 noe if the seedlings(small...
  9. grow

    MY 1st PLANT WICH GREW DIZ BIG!,,,does it luk ok?

    Helo pepl ,,,,how does my plant look ? and can anyone tellme what are those brown spots??and when can i if its male or female ?? Thank u .. cheers ---peace----
  10. grow

    SpiKED UP!!??

    HEY GUYS, i live in india , dont know much about pot scenes yet , , i just got a pack of brown coloured weed ,so i was wondering if it might be spiked,and what is the easiest way to say if my stuff is spiked(exept smoking it) ? And sorry for posting this thread under 'general marijuana growing'...
  11. grow

    Ne IDea HOw To TRAnsPLant DesE ???

    hmmm,,,,, k ... cool ,,,,thanks for everythin man ,,,, i shall c what to do bout the soil ................ --------peacE 4 now------------------- v BooOM SHivA!!!
  12. grow

    Ne IDea HOw To TRAnsPLant DesE ???

    YeaH?? n whose gona teach me that ? lol
  13. grow

    Ne IDea HOw To TRAnsPLant DesE ???

    no man ,,,is sad down here ,,i gota fertilizzer yesteday ,,,,even dat was sad man ,,,it was lik white powder ,,il upload sum pics of it 2moro ,,,, n this soil is not from outside man :) ,,,dats the best i was able to get tin the market ....i live in shimla(india) ,,people usualy grow weed...
  14. grow

    Ne IDea HOw To TRAnsPLant DesE ???

    Hey ,GUys ,,,Someone in the last post made a comment like "what is that clay that youve used '? ,,,hmm,,,,is my soil that bad? i mean ,,that was the best i was able to find down here,,,will my plant grow in that soil ??? -------------------pEACE--------------------- v
  15. grow

    Ne IDea HOw To TRAnsPLant DesE ???

    COOL GUYS !!!! tHANX FOR EVERYTHING..... and yeah,,,"dog" its not dislexic its "dislyxic" ,,,,,, :) v
  16. grow

    Ne IDea HOw To TRAnsPLant DesE ???

    WEll <,,,, i just thought you guys will be able to understand what i was trying to tell ,,, was wromg i guess,,,i have to write lik a 9 year old now,,,, why does it matter guys ,,,i mean ,,,,still you can figure out what i was tryin to ask right ??? Why attack like this,,i aint "bite in" u guys...
  17. grow

    Ne IDea HOw To TRAnsPLant DesE ???

    JUz PLanted Sum seEds ,,n U noe WAt ,,,dey generate faster if u put the seeds in the soil rather then using the "wet paper towel" technique .... Neway,,i plantd lik 5 seeds in a small container ,,,i thot dey wont grow at all,,,,but they did,,now i duno how to put dem in bigger pots n wen wud b...
  18. grow


    HElo guys,,, my stupid dog just ate my plant,,bad scenes,,,but i was able 2 get hold of sum branches,so i wana clone them now ,but the prob. is that i dunt hav ne "root hormones" on me ,,n i guess v dun even get it down here in inda,,,so it possible that theyl grow roots if i jus keep em in...
  19. grow

    Hey when growing outside how long does it usually take to flower???

    After the plant is mature enough,,,u can reduce the amount of light your giving it and it will force the plant to start flowering ,,,, the process is faster,,,but i have know idea about the quality of da bud,,,, ----peace------ BOOMSHIVA___________!!!!!______v:peace:
  20. grow

    right dose of datura

    helo guys,, just wanted to know wats the right dose of datura per person,,n wats over dose,,,and is it dangrous?? caoz me doin it fo 1st time,,,,grows evrywer in india,,in the middle of roads n shit so,,,thot wel giv it a try,,,any suggestions wud b appreciated ....thank u :))...