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  1. Spuzzum

    Arizer Extreme Q with Volcano Easy Valve mod

    lol... hope that means you liked it. :D btw.. I just realised this mod can be done without the Deluxe Daddy filling chamber. If you get the Easy Valve kit, you can sacrifice 1 of the orange pieces from the 5 bags in the kit. The mouth end of the piece fits in the bottom of the Easy Valve...
  2. Spuzzum

    Arizer Extreme Q with Volcano Easy Valve mod

    Correction... just got a 3rd full bag, just as dense as the first. Will have to see how many more. :P
  3. Spuzzum

    Arizer Extreme Q with Volcano Easy Valve mod

    I originally intended this mod for a cheap-assed 'Top Vapor' (aka 'Noble Vapor') unit that I have, along with the filling chamber of a Deluxe Daddy whip, and the Volcano Easy Valve kit. The filling chamber fits perfectly in the bottom of the easy valve unit. I soon realised not only was the Top...
  4. Spuzzum

    COB efficiency Spreadsheets

    I agree that they are top quality hardware, and they can be pushed to certain limits. But that doesn't mean they are invincible to failure. Mean Well's own suggested use says to give yourself 30% headroom. At least 1 driver has died on a riu member, as I linked, and another driver died on...
  5. Spuzzum

    COB efficiency Spreadsheets

    I guess Mean Well doesn't know what they're talking about either. :P
  6. Spuzzum

    COB efficiency Spreadsheets

    From Mean Well's own "faq" page..... FAQ A1. Notes on choosing a switching power supply? Ans: To increase the reliability of the S.P.S., we suggest users choose a unit that has a rating of 30% more power than actual need. For example, if the system needs a...
  7. Spuzzum

    COB efficiency Spreadsheets

    The same rules apply to larger wattage drivers that apply to smaller wattaged drivers. Good grief.
  8. Spuzzum

    COB efficiency Spreadsheets

    Mean Well rates their life expectancy at 80% load.
  9. Spuzzum

    COB efficiency Spreadsheets

    Although I haven't been around for a few years, I'm not new here. I built my own drivers back in 2011.. I've researched more than you, I can tell you that. Your avatar says advertiser... do you sell panels? Is it your overhead you're worried about?
  10. Spuzzum

    COB efficiency Spreadsheets

    HLG-185-C1400 maxes out at 143v @ 1400mA. That's 200.2v. Current tolerance +/- 5%. So.. a 200w driver "may" be able to top out at 210w. But it may also cap off at 190w.
  11. Spuzzum

    COB efficiency Spreadsheets

    The COBs have only been used for a few years.. how much data do you really have to compare? Even then.. how long have those drivers actually been in use? If this was 10 years down the line, ok.. that's data you can work with. All I'm saying, is me... personally... would rather have that 20%...
  12. Spuzzum

    COB efficiency Spreadsheets

    I pointed out a member here who's driver died already. RS said that was different.. because not all drivers are equal. Which actually adds to my case. Not all drivers will take running full blast. Not much of any electronics do. I also added that growmau5 himself has said he's had a Mean Well...
  13. Spuzzum

    COB efficiency Spreadsheets

    You obviously have problems with math and reading spec sheets. Have fun.
  14. Spuzzum

    COB efficiency Spreadsheets

    The driver was rated from 35-72v @ 1400mA. 1/2 the driver most use for their 4 COB strings. So.. if you think he over ran his driver, then so's everybody else using their 144v drivers @ 1400mA. As for asking guru's.. I had an electrical engineer help me with my own diy drivers... someone...
  15. Spuzzum

    COB efficiency Spreadsheets

    36v * 2 = 72v. The supply was 72v @ 1400mA. He maxed it out, he didn't over run it. In fact, the 3590's use less than 36v @ 1400mA. They use 34.84v... x2 comes to 69.68v.
  16. Spuzzum

    COB efficiency Spreadsheets

    Fair enough. But a licensed electrician would also give themselves that 20% headroom when selecting a power supply.
  17. Spuzzum

    COB efficiency Spreadsheets

    Power usage is power usage. It doesn't matter if it's the main breaker, or an individual power source. And as I said.. growmau5's lost a driver, and a quick google shows a thread on this very site, where 2 36v CXB3590's were driven by a Mean Well ELG-100-C1400B... maxed out at the 72v/1400mA...
  18. Spuzzum

    COB efficiency Spreadsheets

    Exactly. A licensed electrician will make sure your breaker box has breakers bigger than the load you'll actually need. Not just so the circuit won't trip.. but for safety reasons. It just makes sense. The way I look at it... would the fixture pass an electrical inspection? I'm licensed, but I'm...
  19. Spuzzum

    COB efficiency Spreadsheets

    I have no idea of hids, other than the old style models... 1000W used 1140W total. Or something like that. As for Mean Wells dying.. they do, and they have. The reef builder community uses these drivers.. although they do max out the voltage, they drop the current to the string. 1400mA drivers...
  20. Spuzzum

    COB efficiency Spreadsheets

    lol... you have bigger balls then me then. :D Like I say.. an electronics guru helped me design my drivers back in 2011. The main point he stressed was that 20% headroom. Even when it comes to wiring.. you don't use a part that's going to be maxed out. You use something bigger.. for the safety...