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  1. C

    Somebody Is Trying To Rip Me Off Again

    I did what the local liqueor store does, I printed out a photo with there photo on it and pasted it to the door of the shed. They came back, saw it and haven't been back since. I am building a taller cage for the chickens, and remembering to lock the back gate. And the plants now come into the...
  2. C

    Somebody Is Trying To Rip Me Off Again

    I don't really care about the weed, it can be replaced with plants I have the house. But I don't want the chickens gone. When my grass regrows in the garden (it all died this winter), I'll post pictures. I treat my widow plants like all my other plants. I've just stopped using Miracle Grow on...
  3. C

    Somebody Is Trying To Rip Me Off Again

    The kid got sent to boarding school because he had behavior issues. He will be the first to tell you that he feels just like a part of our family. In fact our family are the only people he can contact outside of his family. And the security camera is because our neighborhood isn't as nice as it...
  4. C

    Somebody Is Trying To Rip Me Off Again

    I don't tell people I'm growing in my backyard. I sell to a few dealers, and none of them know where I live. The kid across the street knew because he came over and I didn't realize that I had left a couple out. But he's at boarding school. There are duplexes behind my house. I'm thinking...
  5. C

    Somebody Is Trying To Rip Me Off Again

    I get asked out a lot more now that I grow. There was a surge after I had my first harvest that wasn't stolen. But if some guy is going to use me for weed he's going to be eighteen, stupid, silent and cute.
  6. C

    growing in my vegetable garden?

    I grow out in my garden. I'm having a problem with people trying to steal plants, but that's the only problem I have. Jasmine and gardenia are good for hiding the smell.
  7. C

    Somebody Is Trying To Rip Me Off Again

    My grandma is a great help.Who is going to suspect a PTA mom and an eighty-nine year old woman of growing weed out in their backyard.
  8. C

    Somebody Is Trying To Rip Me Off Again

    I walked past this dog laying in yard, and it attacked me. Even the doctor laughed.
  9. C

    Somebody Is Trying To Rip Me Off Again

    We have flood lights, and I hate dogs. One bit me on the vag. If I never see another dog it will be too soon. We are buying more chickens so we might as well get some geese if they have them.
  10. C

    Somebody Is Trying To Rip Me Off Again

    I have kids so guns are out of the question. I'm just going to use my garage. It's attached to the house. My grandma found the perfect space, with boxes surrounding it so people can't see when I open the garage, but they will only be in there at night so it won't be that big of a deal.
  11. C

    Somebody Is Trying To Rip Me Off Again

    It's nobody we know. We have the camera. I feel bad because last year I accused the kid across the street. I told his dad, and his dad beat his behind. But he swore he didn't do it, and I tended to believe him. And now he's at boarding school, so it isn't him. I just don't want people in my...
  12. C

    Somebody Is Trying To Rip Me Off Again

    I'm only five feet so the baseball bat idea probably won't work. And I have kids and chickens so the nails won't work. I'm just going to have to haul them into the garage every night. It won't be so bad at eight plants, but what will it be like with twenty or thirty. And I'm not growing bag...
  13. C

    Somebody Is Trying To Rip Me Off Again

    Somebody tried to get into my shed again last night. Last year they got me right before harvest. My grandmother (yeah my grandma helps me grow), is home clearing out a space to move them into the garage. We have a camera on the shed, but it's not like we can go to the police. We're going to lock...
  14. C

    Bastards stole my crop!

    That happened to me last year. Someone took a bolt cutter to my back shed and cut down all the plants about a week from harvest. I grow out in my back garden in pots. So I installed security cameras. And I'm re-doing the garden in way that if you look over the fence you won't notice because of...
  15. C

    Bagseed Week 5, First Grow, (PICS)

    I was thinking about buying some of the grow bags. Are they any good? Or do they flop if youmove them? I grow outside and then put the plants in a shed at night.
  16. C

    someone stole my plant

    Not my shed. But I learned my lesson, I bring my babies into the house at night now.
  17. C

    someone stole my plant

    Someone cut the lock off my back shed and stole 3 of my plants that were almost ready to harvest. But left 3 even better white widows on their second night of 12 hours.
  18. C

    Which seed bank more reliable?

    Dr Chronic has lowryder. And the shipping is very discreet and quick
  19. C

    dr chronic, cannabean

    I order my seed from drchronic and have never had a problem. They get to California in like a week. And grow great.