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  1. R

    Mystery problem! Need some help

    Hey guys Here's the deal I harvested my first I thought successful plant today but I found some spots on it that worried me and now I think it could be bud rot, but it's nothing like the photos online I found. I attached some photos with the spots on them. For the most part 3/4 of the buds...
  2. R

    Lunshbox'a $31,000.00 Grow Room

    If the cops do come for ya, you can lock yourself in their and smoke away till they get in or you run out of food.
  3. R

    my first grow finished!!!

    But the weed looks good lol
  4. R

    my first grow finished!!!

    Your apartment is nasty as hell! OMG that is the nastiest thing I have ever seen. WTF!
  5. R

    Male plant, what to do?

    Sounds like your screwed