Search results

  1. Matthew Herer

    NAMEnews - MariJanet Herer

    NAME News Underground News and Information to all of you living and THINKING in the intergalactic realm of the Planet Earth. PLEASE, download and share. Or keep it to yourself. Just KNOW, you are APART of this planet, just like I am. Creator bless you all, and live above the ignorance.
  2. Matthew Herer

    Andy Spliffith

    I really like that idea you have, I hope you keep going with this in the future!
  3. Matthew Herer

    New Med Patient In the Rockies

    "I never imagined that botany would lead me to study physics, chemistry, and biology. The universe is an amazing place!" Yes it truly is, and happy to read that you have engaged yourself further into the areas that makes Earth who she is. I hope you have an AWESOME journey on your road into...
  4. Matthew Herer

    Novice Medicator, Professional Hempster

    Hello to you all of the R.I.U. universal realm of the internet. "I am Matthew". I am not a grower, I am not a marijuana enthusiast, nor do I dabble in the land that is filled with pipes, pieces, and papers. I am simply, a fan, an activist of this universal plant, a supporter of its potential...