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  1. S

    help needed 4th week flowering

    old leaves fall off and do this through out any pics at all
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    help needed 4th week flowering

    do u have good air flow
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    First Time Grow Please Let me Know If I'm LSTing this plant right or if it wrong

    u will be ok mush they love bein snaped and bent what will happen is is u will get a big nuckel around the bend they be sound
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    4th go at it think im gettin there

    no got 3 weeks left
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    4th go at it think im gettin there

    hi not been on here 4 along time was on my first 1 got alittle better since kind lookin 4 sum help on food and boost for 12/12 im on a aero system under a 600 hps i have 2 uk cheese just 3 weeks on 12/12
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    two headed monsters!!!

    he are 2 uk cheese plants 3 weeks into 12/12
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    Almost 8 weeks flowering but no even close to done :? VISC Titanium 2nd grow. PICS!

    you will be ok if u sort ya temps out becuz u have put ya plants back buy not havin right temps they will be fine also u have 2 make sure u have no light leaks from anywhere when its the dark time as this can also confuse them make sure u give them 12 on 12 off as they have 2 be bang on you be...
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    Dark stuff on stem?

    sounds like stem rot
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    new grow first ever

    i am use in a nft system so not use in pots its on a tray
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    new grow first ever

    i am use in a nft system so not use in pots its on a tray
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    new grow first ever

    i am use in a nft system so not use in pots its on a tray
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    new grow first ever

    temp and humidity r controlled by sensors but like i said the top was burnt by the bulb but think in on top ov it now so will have 2 c what happens just started 2 add abit ov bloombastic just 2 get her ready for sunday when she is 4 week old the on with the full strenth bloombastic then the buds...
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    new grow first ever

    she i drinkin about 7l a day is that rong sum1 on here thinks that not true but she is
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    new grow first ever

    yes thats what i got told so i have now put a fan 2 move hot air away from under the light its only the top leaves near the light
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    1st time grower needing pointers

    is that not good as i am new but thats what it is drinkin i have a 20l res i changed the water sunday and buy monday night it was down 7l
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    1st time grower needing pointers

    each way ov growin has its ups and downs do abit ov searchin on the internet and see what method is for u
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    1st time grower needing pointers

    it may seem that hydro is hard to use but like i said im new to this my self and i am on an nft tray and i dont think it is as hard as people make out but u can stil use canna in pots and hand feed but that becomes hardwork as my bloomin 3 week old bluecheese is drinkin 7l of water a day if u...
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    1st time grower needing pointers

    my advice as a newbie my self is not to use soil and for the light what is the size ov your room and do u want alot or just alittle yeld?
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    new grow first ever

    plz comment as all info greatly needed