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  1. IhateLockDoors

    Scientists are Declaring a Climate Emergency

    Haha cracotoa is due any minute now
  2. IhateLockDoors

    Found bat jawbone in guano. Pics

    If you opt out to go any one of this method I suggest get it as white as you can before attempting to preserve it otherwise you will not be please with the end result, when you preserve in resin or whatever, it will magnify whatever is in the solution
  3. IhateLockDoors

    Found bat jawbone in guano. Pics

    There's other preserving solution as well like, isopropyl or polyester casting resins like this one
  4. IhateLockDoors

    Found bat jawbone in guano. Pics

    It looks like it'll fit in a petri dish, you could buy that for a few dollars and dump some clear handsanitizer in it and you'll need a syringe to take out any air bubble that comes in the handsanitizer, then you could seal this petri dish up with glue Here's an example...
  5. IhateLockDoors

    Win 100 Awesome Seeds with The Vault and Sweet Seeds!

    I never won anything ever, got my fingers, toes and eyes cross Come on no whammy!
  6. IhateLockDoors

    US War with China

    Puahahaha Lmao
  7. IhateLockDoors

    Feathered Dinosaur tail found in amber in China. Proof of evolution?
  8. IhateLockDoors

    Feathered Dinosaur tail found in amber in China. Proof of evolution?

    I haven't seen the movie myself, it was release last year
  9. IhateLockDoors

    Feathered Dinosaur tail found in amber in China. Proof of evolution?

    Ya, little is known about what lies beneath those ice in Antarctica, I think BBc or national geographic funded a film crew a few years back to excavate what they can, let me see if I could pull something up
  10. IhateLockDoors

    Win 100 Awesome Seeds with The Vault and Sweet Seeds!

    How can i get in on this?
  11. IhateLockDoors

    Club Vert LED

    Ya, I watched it went down on fox, I still think its a joke especially the presidential race smh, honestly I wasn't ready for a female president, not to sound sexist and I wasn't ready for trump either, I don't think anybody seen any of this coming Canada, here we come
  12. IhateLockDoors

    US War with China

    Puahahaha lmao
  13. IhateLockDoors

    US War with China

    Lmao I know right
  14. IhateLockDoors

    US War with China

    Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points, this thread might be of some help
  15. IhateLockDoors

    Found bat jawbone in guano. Pics

    I wonder how much you'll get if you auction it out on rui I would pay a hefty price of ten dollars, I'm not paying for shipping and handling though I still can't believe you found that jaw in guano Going on day 2 in disbelief lmao
  16. IhateLockDoors

    Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

    Wtf! Lmao the same agenda
  17. IhateLockDoors

    US War with China

    Some good reading though, a lot of heart coming from everyone
  18. IhateLockDoors

    US War with China

    I like how everyone got their point of view on politics while I'm over quiet ass fk Lmao sorry guys politic isn't my strong point
  19. IhateLockDoors

    Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

    I was on the floor laughing on this one