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  1. HeadChopper

    question on clones. w/Pic.

    These 8 clones are being used to confirm the sex of some plants. They were cut like 2 days ago. They were put into 12/12 lighting immediately. Now I am starting to wonder if that was not a good thing to do? They seem to be doing fine so far. Any comments are much appreciated...1st time cloner.
  2. HeadChopper

    Wierd Question about lighting??? Please Help!

    I'm trying a Northern Lights strain (supposedly) When I get into the high 80's-low 90's the edges of the leaves begin to curl upward-(this is with superb ventilation)-which I've heard indicates that the plant is getting too hot. The Leaves look awesome at 82 degrees though, so I think this is...
  3. HeadChopper

    what kind of smoker are you?

    For me a small bong is choice :) No bigger than 1 ft tall Gives a smoother hit than pipes or papers and doesn't choke the shit out of you like the 2+ fters do. Vapos are awesome if they are quality made and set at just the right temp! Otherwise they are a big waste! Blunts are nice if you can...
  4. HeadChopper

    Cloning to soon???

    I've got a simple question that probably been answered a thousand times: I started from seeds and I am about at week 4 -just started to veg Q: When is the soonest that I can take a clone clipping so that I can sex them get rid of all the boys??? I am a complete noob so any help is very much...
  5. HeadChopper

    Wierd Question about lighting??? Please Help!

    100's really? that hot?? According to SeeMoreBuds video that I've seen you should strive to keep the room at 80 and growth will come to a near stand still once in the high 90's. I heard somewhere that higher temps are tolerable if you add CO2. I'll keep that in mind:) Ill probably go MH for...
  6. HeadChopper

    Wierd Question about lighting??? Please Help!

    So basically I am under the impression that more light=more growth=more bud! I just started to veg (on week 4 from seed) I have a T5 and a 600 w HPS Ideally I would like to veg with both of them, BUT with the hps my room climbs to about 95 degrees farenheit. My thought was that I could...