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  1. blaazed

    Large white seed found in main stem?

    oh no what ever shal i do with my life now? i think im gonna stick around. whatre u gonna do buddy? nothinatall. :blsmoke:
  2. blaazed

    Large white seed found in main stem?

    oh no what ever shal i do with my life now? :blsmoke:
  3. blaazed

    Large white seed found in main stem?

    you're an idiot.
  4. blaazed

    Large white seed found in main stem?

    hahaha this is crazy ive just finished reading this thread and its rediculous.
  5. blaazed

    identify sex?

    balls right? im still a newb and just wanted to confirm before i chopped him down.
  6. blaazed

    what is this??? please help! PICS

    thanks in advance...they looked REALLY good these spots started comin on....then started gettin a little droopy and yellow....any way to fix this??
  7. blaazed

    first grow hindu kush

    i havent topped my HK yet but i plan to when it gets to the screen.....if i only top it once, is it a good idea to Scrog it?
  8. blaazed

    molasses in hydroponics??

    just a quick question, some people ive heard say it messed up the dwc with clogged pumps, but others say different. any clarifications?