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  1. J


    Isn't a mirror 100 percent reflective? so If I can, can I line my grow room walls with mirrors?:weed:
  2. J

    So I'm a newbie.. but need alittle help

    sorry for such a shitty pic. Will work on it.
  3. J

    So I'm a newbie.. but need alittle help

    I just recently was told that growing out side is ilegal. So I moved them in however I was not even ready. I'm using bulb forecent lights. on the other side is a mirrior. That shouldwork just to get through for a awhile...right.? Kinda lost need help.
  4. J

    First Grow Box

    What did you make the box out of? do you have a pic of the outside? I'm thinking about building, don't know how much cheaper it would be then buying a grow tent.
  5. J

    Holy molasses Budman !

    what is the mix for soil? how much per gallon of water?
  6. J

    need help making a feeding schedule!!!!!

    I just have a veg fert. right now and I feed on Mon. Wednesday, and Friday. That just me and I'm a newbie so that all I know.
  7. J

    need help on grow room space

    So I'm going to be growing indoor for the first time. I can't afford a grow tent so I'm going to build my own. I'm going to grow about 6-7 plants all the way from seeds to flower. I don't know how big I should build the "en-closer". So can anyone help?
  8. J

    My New Stealth Box

    how much did it cost to do?