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  1. Krystalj209

    Male or female??? New here need help

    Ok what about this looks like it might be both to me lol what do you think?
  2. Krystalj209

    Male or female??? New here need help

    Because this is my first time I'm clueless to terms and such lol very much open minded
  3. Krystalj209

    Male or female??? New here need help

    So this one looks more like that one so this one possibly female?
  4. Krystalj209

    HELP first time grow

    I'm not sure because I just had a few seeds I threw in some dirt and they sprouted.. I was just testing my green thumb here's more I'd like to know the sex of all pics r different plants
  5. Krystalj209

    HELP first time grow

    Waaaaaaa :wall:
  6. Krystalj209

    Male or female??? New here need help

    Could someone explain to me how to tell and if possible post pics pf definite male and female so I can compare. I have a few more I'd like to sex asap
  7. Krystalj209

    Male or female??? New here need help

    Opps meant to ask you how far away?
  8. Krystalj209

    Male or female??? New here need help

    Ty how far away
  9. Krystalj209

    inked up stoner girl...

    inked up stoner girl...
  10. Krystalj209

    Male or female??? New here need help

    They are outside and about 3 months old
  11. Krystalj209

    HELP first time grow

    Is this a male or female plant???
  12. Krystalj209

    Male or female??? New here need help

    :cuss: My first time growing and I can't tell if this is a male or female please help