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  1. R

    New plants, new problems!...

    I will do... i just find it strange because normally i grow from small cuttings water for a week then start on neuts, these had already been watered for a couple of weeks before i got them so i just presumed i could start with feed straight away. Could it be because i have just transplanted them...
  2. R

    New plants, new problems!...

    The ph is whats recommend from ionic? I will lay off feeds for now and flush with water when soil dry?
  3. R

    New plants, new problems!...

    i have 4 600 watt lights but only using 2 at the mo with them being small, using metal halide 600 watt bulbs. bat special soil, ionic grow feed mixed to ratio of 7ml to 1 litre ppm is about 130 and ph is 5.8 I have done other plants with no issues cant understand whats happening. When i got...
  4. R

    New plants, new problems!...

    Can someone please point me to whats going wrong with these, ive never had problems with the veg stage before. I have basically taken cuttings that were in small pots and repotted them into my large pots and started them on feeds which doing exactly as i have done with 2 other strains with no...
  5. R

    New plants, new problems!...

    Can someone please point me to whats going wrong with these, ive never had problems with the veg stage before. I have basically taken cuttings that were in small pots and repotted them into my large pots and started them on feeds which doing exactly as i have done with 2 other strains with no...
  6. R

    Please help / advise first grow (AK-47)...

    Hello everyone, after reading all i can on my situation i thought it would be a good idea to get some pictures up and see what your opinions are. My first post and grow so go easy i know your gonna be thinking what the hells this man doing!? haha Im now in the 5th week of flowering for a week...