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  1. buds828

    how much yeild on average?

    Just wondering how much I might expect out of 3 topped plants at almost 3 feet on day 17 of flowering? will post pics asap
  2. buds828

    Just a quick question.

    Thanks sativa I did not plan on keeping the males whatsoever but at the same time I didn't want to waste all that time put in without trying something new. I'm hoping with the light disturbance it might stress the plants into hermie that way i will get some bud rather than none. The flowering...
  3. buds828

    Just a quick question.

    Today I checked all of my plants out and turns out i have a couple males. :? Not too bad being a 60/40 (3 of 5) female ratio for my first time growing. Now the question that I had was if I were to move the 2 males outdoors now would they possibly become stressed into hermies? And about how...
  4. buds828

    Female Parts in veg?

    Yup its a good sign. Means your plants are maturing.
  5. buds828

    First timer :)

    I too am a first time grower, i currently have 5 plants which have been growing 1 1/2+ months and two of them have reached a foot in height and the other 3 are between 6-10 inches tall. If I were you i would grab a few more CFL's for more lumens all around the plant. I started off using the...
  6. buds828

    Problems Developing

    Here is an update after a couple of days watching over them. How do they look? Anything that can be done to boost their growth?
  7. buds828

    Problems Developing

    Well when I flushed them they were dust dry so I'm pretty sure they are not experiencing root rot. A recent check up on them and they are starting to look better. Also I have Ph down to correct the water levels now so that wont be an issue any longer.
  8. buds828

    Problems Developing

    I water them whenever they need it really i keep them in the moist range on my triple meter that i got from HD. Temps are low-mid 80's with lights on and low-mid 60's with lights off. Ph is between 6.4-6.8.
  9. buds828

    Problems Developing

    Thanks for the fast reply. I did perform a flush about 2 days ago on all the plants however i did not Ph the tap water i was using seeing as how it runs slightly alkaline so the existing nutes in the soil and the nutes that were used lowered it automatically. What should be my next step?
  10. buds828

    Problems Developing

    Hey everybody this is my first post and first time growing, I'm looking to get some help with these plants. I will give information to the best of my knowledge. ------------- 1 150w HPS. 1 100w MH. 5 2 Gallon pots/ Bottoms full of perlite. Perfect Mix All Purpose Potting Soil 0.10/0.08/0.06...