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  1. T

    Citizen gen5/6

    Datasheets for Version 6 are online now, a quick look suggests the 1212 90CRI spectra have slightly changed.
  2. T

    Growing hot peppers/tomatoes with Citizen COB - color temp

    Looks great! I actually would love to use the 134100, it should cool the COBs really nice, but I can't get ahold of them anywhere in Europe with reasonable shipping costs, it's really frustrating.
  3. T

    Growing hot peppers/tomatoes with Citizen COB - color temp

    Excellent! Starts to add up now. I've only been looking into LEDs for a few days and am learning a lot in this community. Thank you! My setup will be open with no walls, right next to a west-facing window - the LED system is supposed to help establishing a correct daily lighting routine as...
  4. T

    Growing hot peppers/tomatoes with Citizen COB - color temp

    Thanks guys! Read more and am confused again. Can someone explain to me, why I should use 90CRI instead of 80CRI? The 80s have about 20% more lumens output.
  5. T

    Growing hot peppers/tomatoes with Citizen COB - color temp

    Okay, great. So for my purpose of peppers and tomatoes as well as salads and all that stuff, I'd most likely be happy with 4000k 90CRI, I suppose.
  6. T

    Growing hot peppers/tomatoes with Citizen COB - color temp

    Thanks for your reply! Fertilizer is all set, I have that already. Regarding color temp - is there a formula like: The higher the color temp, the less stretch during vegging? The lower the color temp, the more the plants stretch? Is it that simple? Also, CRI90 COBs have lower lumen output, but...
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    Growing hot peppers/tomatoes with Citizen COB - color temp

    Hi guys, I'm new here and growing peppers and tomatoes indoors in winter before they go outside in mid-May as soon as temperatures allow them to stay outside. I'd like to ask you a few questions as I'm an LED-noob and this forum clearly has the most knowledge about growing with LED of any...