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  1. upwayup

    AG Deluxe $ 150 , Converting Wife's Armoire into Stealth Cabinet " Priceless " Grow

    Wow. Your plants are HUGE compared to mine. I am at day 21 of flower in the same style aerogarden. I will definitely be watching yours!
  2. upwayup

    12 n 12 from an aerogarden!

    Looking forward to seeing how these go. I'm playing with a couple of aerogardens myself. Thanks for sharing.
  3. upwayup

    My First Grow... Outdoor on tight budget

    I like the frugal nature of your grow. I keep trying to be cheap but then I get stressed out and buy something! I'll be watching. :)
  4. upwayup

    What Can I Do With My Fan Leaves?

    Sorry to dissagree with everyone, and I know you will have already gotten rid of them BUT.... After my first grow I felt exactly the same way, heart broken to ditch them. I took everything.. the males I had put aside in a jar and all the fan leaves I cut when I trimmed etc etc etc. and I...
  5. upwayup

    How to stick labels on

    I used hot glue. Then I made pots of my own (cutting down 2" net pots) and made duct tape covers.