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  1. C

    White scum that looks like mucus!!!

    I have a plant that is two weeks into 12/12. She is in a 2 gallon soiled pot. I have a t5 light that puts out over 50,000 lumens and in is in a 3x3x7 grow tent. Well to the problem. Today after I watered my plant I noticed a white scum like mucus floating atop of the soil. I have...
  2. C

    Opinions Please!!!

    These ladies are three weeks into flower!!! Anyone have any opinions!!! Look good or bad??? First hydro grow don't know what to expect!!!
  3. C

    Can anyone help with opinions???

    Hi I'm trying to start a new grow and I'm interested in T5 lighting... Im just curious on how much lighting I will need for my 4'x4'x7' grow tent??? How many Lumens would I need for two plants in that size of a tent??? Thanks for anyones opinions...
  4. C

    Help needed ASAP!!!

    The first pick shows where it snapped or bent whatever you want to call it... In my eyes its a tragedy :( Also it's not the main stem because I topped the plant so there are four branches off the main stem. The rest of the plant looks okay..
  5. C

    Help needed ASAP!!!

    Today I was raising my lights and the one end popped off and fell of my plant!!! It snap the main stem and bend it over... I taped a chop stick to it hoping that it would reheal itself... Now all of the leaves and the new buds are bend over looking like hey are about to die!!! Does anyone...
  6. C

    1st time grower!!!

    I have them in an aeroponic system that is on 24 hrs a day misting the rock wool for now until the roots are out of the block!!! So 24hrs or 18/6 is the question with the lights??? Anyone ever grow white rhino small plant???
  7. C

    1st time grower!!!

    How big should my seedlings be at one week??? I have two different strains and the one is noticeably smaller and seems like it is not growing!!! However it is green and straight up and down. It is white rhino and I know they are smaller plants but should it only be an inch tall??? Also...
  8. C

    Seedling Problem Please Help!!!

    I have a dwc system with four seedlings going. I have it in a 4x4x7 grow tent with a led ufo and a two t-5 flueros. The seedlings are 1 1/2 weeks old and are on a low nute level around 300ppm or so. The ph level has been between 5.8 and 6.0 Today the leaves started curling downward and the...
  9. C

    Seedling Problem Please Help!!!

    5.8 using general hydro nutes with the lucas formula with diamond nectar as a additive and pineapple nectar!!! Nutes are around 300ppm or a lil over
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    Seedling Problem Please Help!!!

    I have an led light 6" inches off the top of the seedlings!!! There is not heat given off by the lights I am using!!!
  11. C

    Seedling Problem Please Help!!!

    I have a 1 1/2 week old seedling that is experiencing some issues today!!! The leaves are curling down and are yellow towards the inner part towards the stem!!! Can anyone please help me its my first grow and I don't want these to die!!!
  12. C

    Seedling In Trouble

    When should I go back to the nutrients??? I just dont want these to die!!!
  13. C

    Seedling In Trouble

    From all the charts and everything I read it all came back to nutrient burns!!! Ive had them in plain water for a day and they seem to be getting better but will the plant recover back to its green self???
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    Seedling In Trouble

    I have them in rockwool and the hydroton clay pebbles!!! The white things on top are for the rockwool so I do not get white mold or algae!!! I started them on nutrients at 25% strength and they were doing good for a few days then this started happening!!! I flushed the whole system and had...
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    Seedling In Trouble

    the tent
  16. C

    Seedling In Trouble

    Hello I have seedling in a dwc setup with a led light setup in a 4x4x7 grow tent. The seedlings are about 1 1/2 weeks and are starting to curl downwards and a slightly turning yellow. Can anyone please help me out this is my first grow and dont want these babies to die!!!