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  1. S

    Malware again?

    same here. my browser did it to me in my this session.
  2. S

    Favorite drug besides mj?

    heroin is deadly.i have a friend who hooked to heroin. she is literally not living anymore. just stay away from it. not even give it a try. not worth to take that risk. she is gaining ~5000 dollars from her work per month. and its even not enought for her drugs. she tok bank credits and now she...
  3. S

    need to grow separate?

    just in case be sure all feminised. or kill if some of those free ones be a male. by the way i paid 40$ for 5 pineapple chunk seeds. its really awesome.
  4. S

    Pruning branches during flower

    im not expert im just beginner. but i think plants need their leaves in every stage. leaves are feeds every part of plant. including roots and flowers. all the energy, most of enzyms,all the food building in leaves. so i think they should stay. specially leaves which are close the bud and...
  5. S

    Can she stay in flower on 13 / 11?

    i turned to 13/11 right after 24/0 by mistake. i meant 12/12. i was switching to flowering stage. a few days later i realised my mistakes timer was not on 12/12. but pistils are already showed up and successfully entered to flowering. i read once if you do shorter light period like 8/16 it...