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  1. S

    Lockerz check it out looks promising

    i plan to invite every member on the site that is interested, that is the point to build a community.
  2. S

    Lockerz check it out looks promising

    i have no idea what that means
  3. S

    Lockerz check it out looks promising

    hey guys just got invited to the lockerz website it looks promising, they are just started up and if you go to their website you can read about it using te icons in the bottom right hand of the screen, if you need some invites just pm me your email and ill shoot you some...
  4. S

    Concept Albums

    Dr. Dre - Chronic 2001 not a huge rap fan but this album blows me away
  5. S

    Free Limewire Pro 5.1.2

    Private trackers are where its at. ive been able to get all of my downloads online from 3 private trackers and they have everything imaginable
  6. S

    Opiate Health Risks

    withdrawels are the worst, but occasional use shouldnt be a problem
  7. S

    WTF? Am I Dying?

    yeah no worries dude, ive seen things like that happen to a couple of my friends, and they were always able to rebound back easily