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  1. K

    Suburban Housewife Grows Early Wonder Skunk Outdoors

    Today is Day 17 from the day I planted the seeds. We have 4 beautiful little plants coming along and loving all the sunshine they get. First, I'll post a pic of the plant we've been following on Day 17. And here is what I found on one of the other plants this morning. What causes...
  2. K

    Suburban Housewife Grows Early Wonder Skunk Outdoors

    Today is Day 12 for these babies. :) Here's the same girl with her 2nd set of true leaves coming up.
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    Suburban Housewife Grows Early Wonder Skunk Outdoors

    Venison is tasty AK49th...I don't blame you for getting two birds with one stone. It rained last night. And it's supposed to rain later today but it's gorgeous and sunny right now. I love it when the sun is out and shines on the part of my yard where they're growing, and then it rains when it...
  4. K

    Auto EasyRyder... Most basic set-up..

    Good job! Enjoyed all the pics too.
  5. K

    Suburban Housewife Grows Early Wonder Skunk Outdoors

    I just went outside to check on my 5 little seedlings and am so angry! Something plucked the top leaves off one of them! WTF?!!! That's a waste of a $5 seed. You expect to lose some to failure to germ or environmental factors, but this? Rogue bluejay, maybe? The poor little stump of a...
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    06/21/2010 - Summer Solstice - First day of summer for Northern Hemi. are you ready?

    We're celebrating our new seedlings this solstice!
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    Suburban Housewife Grows Early Wonder Skunk Outdoors

    Checked on the ladies today and, out of 5 seeds planted, we have 5 little sprouts! It took them between 6 and 8 days to germ and sprout.
  8. K

    Pots Vs. The Ground: Two part question

    Do you need to be able to hide the plants when visitors come by? That would definately affect my answer to #1.
  9. K

    Suburban Housewife Grows Early Wonder Skunk Outdoors

    Hello folks, This will be my grow diary (more feminine a word than 'journal'). I'm a suburban housewife who has a fair sized backyard and will be growing Early Wonder Skunk outdoors this year. I have been a member here for some time but mostly just lurked until now. There is an abundance of...