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  1. P

    Pistils are turning orange at 5th week of flowering!

    I'm hoping I don't have to harvest early or something. The buds aren't to the size I expected yet.
  2. P

    Pistils are turning orange at 5th week of flowering!

    I'm growing with bubbleponics under CFLs and both my Blueberry and Skywalker's pistils are starting to turn orange. The site I bought the seeds from said the flowering period would be 8-9 weeks, but they're only in the fifth week right now. Could something I'm doing wrong be causing this...
  3. P

    How do I tie down my plant?

    I have a plant that's growing too tall for my closet. It's too late for LST and I need to tie this thing down or bend it, but my last attempt snapped a stem (luckily not completely off). Any advice on how to handle this?
  4. P

    Help! Droopy Whit Widow

    I would now that you mention it, but I'm flat broke right now and will be for at least a month.
  5. P

    Help! Droopy Whit Widow

    I have a fan on the plants and also ventilation for the closet. I was maintaining the ph at 6.0, but have lowered it to 5.8 upon recommendation. The nutes I ordered came with the stealth kit and I put in the whole packet, which I think was the problem. Since the tub was half full this morning...
  6. P

    Help! Droopy Whit Widow

    I've been suspecting over nuting and over watering, but I'm not sure. My humidity is at about 60% and temp 75. The plant is also half the size of the other plants in the tub that were germinated at the same time. Any ideas?
  7. P

    First grow! (stealth bubbleponics)

    Here's a link to my daily photo/weekly video blog.