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  1. T

    aerogarden nutes, good or bad?

    From what I've read in the Aerogarden Club thread, it's 1 tablet every 2 weeks, or 1/2 a tablet a week. I think the normal dose is 2 tablets every 2 weeks, but you want to do 1/2 of whatever they suggest in the manual, I think. I've also heard good things about foxfarm and... some other brand...
  2. T

    Aerogarden club

    OK, I've read this whole thread, and the couple of plants I've started in my Aerogarden are just barely sprouting (hasn't even been a week yet). I know I SHOULD get some proper nutes, but I do have 2 quick questions for anyone that's just used the Aerogarden nutes: 1. I got the herb seed kit...