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  1. L

    Coconut Oil Infusion with Magical Butter Machine

    I use 50 grams of whatever I have the most of, last run was pineapple Kush but I prefer stronger indicas. Today I'm running 50 gms of MK with 2 cups of oil. I am a gadget hound so I decarb first with the Ardent Lift. I love that little decarb oven, I am a firm believer that it WORKS. (for me). I...
  2. L

    How often do I Fertilize My Marijuana Plant?

    I have them on 18/6 right now but my light isn't great. Can I start over or is it too late? I can hear the collective "aaaaaaaaarrgh" already.....
  3. L

    How often do I Fertilize My Marijuana Plant?

    I put my plants in the ground too early, I overwatered and over fed. I'm sad that I did that, I'm being honest. I have one plant in a fabric pot and one in a plastic with super good drainage. They are trying to bud. Is there anything I can do?