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    A few question about smoking my big budzz with powdery mildew... **pics**

    Awesome advice, thanks woodsman.........I also recommend Neem for spider mite mitigation.....Neem is systemic and organic as well....other nice features....
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    Is weed that has or had Powdery Mildew still smokeable..??

    So I agree with potsmokinsumbitch....Who has the real world experience with this? My harvest has some plants with PM issues.....No one really has a good answer for this it seems, so I'll throw my two cents out.....I've been smokin some buds w/ a case of PM after removing contaminated leaves and...
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    Powdery Mildew At harvest!

    Recently had a harvest with Af-Goo. They were the most affected by a batch of powdery mildew I had as well. Seems to be related to the strain. Seems to be the cause in my garden as well.
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    I Have To Leave Town In The Middle Of Cureing ?

    How wet is it? I would put them in a brown bag/freezer like shredder mentions......Harsh smoke beats mold risk anyday!
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    Yellowing and browning of leaves

    Thanks for the input. I did some research and I believe I'm fighting a mangnesium deficiency. I treated with some epsom salt as a foilar feeding and some in the soil. Then I removed the leaves that were beyond revitalization. Seems to have been the problem. No more reoccurence on new or old...
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    This is perplexing! Maybe Zinc?

    They look fine to me!- no pro though.... I think the new growth coming out looks fine- try pulling them out of the HPS they don't look so yellow then-:mrgreen:
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    Yellowing and browning of leaves

    Anyone? What do the masses think? Green Dragon- Week 5- been feeding FoxFarm grow big every couple days- diluted 1tsp./gal -planted in EB Stone organic potting mix- light's been like +20" above -400W HPS- Got a constant fan - no humidity (only rel.) I've been flushing with Spring water-
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    Help leaves are turning brown

    Any success? I'm sort of seeing the same thing here>>>
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    Harvest surprise/problems

    Just my best guesses
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    Approaching a Physician (Q, not A)

    It always is a little illegal still here in the states since Federal law says it's illegal, which is supposed to supercede state law- which is why the DEA raids on the occasion- because they can So this sort of thing is subject to being pulled and records being traced- so on and so forth- so...
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    Teehee. My 1 survivor is almost thar. How much longer?

    Based on my first grow here, I'd say you're like 5 weeks away from harvest- mine were like that week 4 and now I'm at week 8- and she's still not ready- We've been using Big Bloom and the buds just continue to grow and develop- slowly but surely leaves get a little yellow, but buds stay green...
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    Yellowing leaves and slowing growth OG Kush 5 Wks Flowering

    I would even say trim back leaves that are blocking the buds from the light- now is the time to nurture the buds- They're yellow and dead mostly anyway-
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    Harvest Question

    What's the consensus on time till harvest? - first grow- G13 roughly 8 weeks of flowering
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    Approaching a Physician (Q, not A)

    Agreed go see your physician- describe your ailments to them. Then bring any prescrips or recommendations from them to a doctor who will prescribe a therapeutic marijuana recommendation. Usually a $130.00 cash visit...They give you a referral, then you find a club- check laws in your county- try...
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    Some opinions please

    First time grower-I've ghot a hindu kush with some curling- using a HPS 400 watt with constant fresh air and fan blowing. Watering every two days or so- as needed- dry climate- NorCal- using FoxFarm grow big when watering in a 1 teaspoon per 1-1/2 gal water- Is it normal to see some curling- or...