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  1. S

    neeeed help!!

    yer man inspirational shit goin on, i hope she survive's alot of times gone into her, but im not gettin any negetive response so i thinks she's in luck, its just a chunky thik stem 3ft tall, that yes i repeat yes, today as flowered, ne way thanx for help ill let you no wot happens. scarz
  2. S

    gettin rid of we smell

    yer mate, smoke bongs, and hold for bout 30 secs, YOU maxamise thc intake, and after 30 secs you let go, and theres nothin there.
  3. S

    neeeed help!!

    hi, we need help, a freind of mine has had a plant growing for about 6 weeks, and the cat has severed the top clean off, that was just about to flower and also in the attack pulled all the leaves off clean from the stems, top to bottom. now its in direr need of repair yes 6 weeks of waste OR...