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  1. H

    Photon Fantom PCBs

    .Could anyone tell me the composition of diodes (brand/nm) on the fusion/wavy boards?
  2. H

    365nm UV or reptile bulb?

    There is no general rule than "be careful". I guess it depends on variety, kind of lamp and distance to the flowers. I start at the beginning of the 3rd w before harvest. 20 minutes per hour for a few days (along 10h at daytime, not the first and not the last hour) for slow acclimatisation...
  3. H

    365nm UV or reptile bulb?

    Thanks, I didn't know that. But yours are out of this range (395-405 nm). But found some interesting led from LG Innotek (385 nm too). Unfortunately its not alowed to me here to post or link any URLs. I don't know why. Can anyone explain that? Look at their site for UV LED. There is also a pdf...
  4. H

    365nm UV or reptile bulb?

    I looked at the wave lengths of the both mentioned chinese boards but none of them delivers UV-B (315-280 nm). Both are nearly (the last one) or totally (the one linked by VegasWinner, 395-405 nm) out of range of UV-A. What should they be worth for? Is there no led for UV-B (280-315 nm)?
  5. H

    365nm UV or reptile bulb?

    Thanks for your advice! How are they working? And what's the area one of these boards can cover in what distance?
  6. H

    Photon Fantom PCBs

    Sorry for OT. Just to answer your question. Project-342 by FlowerPowerBologna in Italy 400mm x 280mm, 15,74" × 11.02" 2.85mmol/watt (board at 1400ma, and Tc of 50C°) 2.77mmol/watt (board at 1750ma, and Tc of 50C°) 2.70mmol/watt ( board at 2100ma, and Tc of 50C°) Passive cooling up to 1750ma...
  7. H

    Photon Fantom PCBs

    It's getting more and more out of his shop. Currently there are only some sunboards. Does anybody know state of (future) availability of the items? Is he changing his product line and new developed boards are coming or are all other items just out of stock?
  8. H

    365nm UV or reptile bulb?

    Yep, I'm interested in this topic too. Currently I use Reptisun UVB 10.0 T8 but would like to integrate some UV-B led in my new diy fixture. Would prefer stripes to place them between the boards. Any recommandations? Otherwise I have to install my T8 :-( Are there any high power UV led known?
  9. H

    Photon Fantom PCBs

    Thanks Croc! Very thin indeed. And bubbles are around 1"? Any link to the European boards? I sent him 2 emails within the last week and will wait the next times. Don't want to bother him. Perhaps then I try it again via his gmail account as he has recommended some days ago. But thanks for you...
  10. H

    Photon Fantom PCBs

    Thank you very much Sir! And what's around the height of one packed board? I try to calculate shipment costs therefore I need to know number, weight and sizes of needed packages
  11. H

    Photon Fantom PCBs

    Yep, that was my idea too. But it's a really unnecassary hassle. But thanks for you advice! Does anybody know seizes and weight of a packed board? Guess there is a small package for each bord before packed in the package for shipment?
  12. H

    Photon Fantom PCBs

    Thanks, but sorry to hear that. Does anyone know why he doesn't ship overseas? Will that change? In case of need I could let it deliver to an US adressee. But would be the worst case. Yep, you can get QB in Europe at a few places but I would prefer to get his boards.
  13. H

    Photon Fantom PCBs

    Nice thread! On my hunt for good led I stumbled over the PFD boards. Unfortunatly I get no reply to my inquiries from @the Grant Blunt Wizard . But as he said, he's pretty busy atm so it doesn't matter so much. Perhaps you guys meanwhile can help me, please? 1. One urgent question - does he...