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  1. S

    First Grow, 400W Closet Setup

    I believe you said Sunday was the day, right? Pretty sure today is Tuesday and there are still no pics!! :joint::hump: lol.
  2. S

    First Grow, 400W Closet Setup

    Doobie Doo, if you get a pound every three weeks...we'll both be in heaven.
  3. S

    First Grow, 400W Closet Setup

    I'm more so just an observer in this operation, but DoobyDoo is my brother...and I must say...the plants are looking goooood! I've been lurching around this thread, reading everybody comments/ it's nice to meet you all! What were you talking about the focus on the pics?? They look...
  4. S

    First Grow, 400W Closet Setup

    Yeah man, those are lookin like some healthy plants! I'm sure they're gonna be